Sunday, December 28, 2014

You know I figured it out...why you are are so...

Bro. Raymond Woodward and Bro. Rob McKee I thank you for your prayers and more that is coming with the other 3 and the one from a far...

I believe Heath was turned into the cops and Hollywood as the last were Meryl Streep and a group with her...tormented Dee and Heath and hence they both were turned into the cops due to threats they made to the neighborhood in front of the Cops and Heath did was they call getting "In Line In The Head" it is wrong...and checked Heath's story of Jamie Lee Curtis and S.W. does it don't CHECK OUT???

All I can say as back to what I saw saying Sandra Bullock's cursed the whole entire world to keep the truth from getting out and to say they wont call me or have a part in my life...because she professed with that stupid insane look as Hollywood inside knows of for the way she would do her face all came together they were all meant to be together and me the outcast because I was looking at the Light and not the darkness...and she cursed the world and anybody that came in to contact with Heath Scheid to not call me...and hence why Heath is in with the Cops but they and the FBI and CIA have been following this...hence Lydia F. will be going to the cops next, then the rest due to Jamie Lee Curtis's  confessions of one and then another and this one and so forth...

Why did you and you call that one today and failed to do so...and yet was promised a record of such??? His indignation rest upon you...and not the other half, but the other is struggling as well...REPENT nah he fell harder than both of you...and you see so repent...cast the dust off your feet...for your will die in this thing...and call him for he expected it today and you did not...either way...

So the Curse is NO MORE...and God PROVE AND BLESS ALL THINGS IN and BY HIS GRACE AND MIGHT and POWER...IN Jesus Christ...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Well...that is exactly what happened...Lovely

It unbelievable...but you know what HE said at the gathering and it woke me up in a fury...
she deliberately went against the Will of the Lord and she knew better...nah, you heard him when it was going on...and now you can't ever trust again...cause before they got there...she knew what she had to do...and now she is forever different...she has to go...that is right what she said she would never ever do she she is that what she has been saying because that is what they do...they don't heed to correction but destruction and lo it is before you...right it had part of it...but her evil dealings of wanting regarding know better and she did to...and yes that is why she quit...yes that is why she did it...but that is no more for it is written and has been declared by HIM...nah it is something such has known all their life, but she knew what to do and she listened to the wrong ones...NO she IS NOT...that is a LIE...and see she likes to cause pain...can you not perceive it...NEVER let her alone with such as of I had to...due to other things what she said is not the truth...but I had to it was God's Will due to what happened 4 months later...same thing happened but I needed a year and she knew it was important for it to happen...nah she likes to cause pain to the family...yes they HAVE BEEN HEARD...all of them!!!  Yes I am like your family hence is what you felt that night and why the dazzler was soooo funny to this day!!! See...I miss nothing...yes as crazy as that was it turned out to be all true...and God will Confirm your prayers to Jesus Christ...He is the ONLY ONE That CAN!!!  He might have to send her there...but it is better than hell any day...He has her apparel waiting...Indeed I am...It is something God did...and I had no idea that thing wearing a white shirt was truly in this thing...see, her jumping around is not of God but of the other...there is joy when it is of the LORD and when it stops it is because she refuses to accept it...yes I see exactly what her proving point is her will rides above but does not...nah she is extremely strong and no all, but fully in healthy as God made her...its a seducing spirit which if fed or heeded to by other people in the world's perception so she bowed to their perception in Georgia and NOT God's and that type of devil got a hold of her...and where it states in the Gospels He cast out devils such was common among them even Paul's walk as well...her parents are right she never was...and they know this...beyond a shadow of a doubt...nah the Holy Ghost changes everything of her...a few in the white shirt's case as well...she knows better...but the Holy Ghost will take care of it...nah she was warned in the beginning of this whole thing...they all were if you don't get it you wont make it...because the WIND such as it is in this thing Bloweth where it meant and it is sharp and that is why she is quiet she knows it is HIS DOUBLE EDGED sword

Reader's I can't disclose for the sake of the Lovely family and so forth...and I'm not at liberty to do so...yes it is so...

That is right somethings can and somethings cant...but the granted witnesses are there...and in the minds appointed...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

So are you seeing what I am seeing...

..Heath doing with a knife in his left upper jaw to raise himself money ...because he is being contrary to the Will of God...and Hence when this happens Psalm 69 pours upon them when they know to do the will of God...and refuse, because He don't want to be told what to do, or feels it is like his dad making him do things against his he takes it out on God blaming him...when it was his dad's ...own doings and not Gods...Psalm 69:26 For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.27 ADD INIQUITUY UNTO THEIR INIQUITY: and LET THEM NOT COME INTO THY RIGHTEOUSNESS.
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous. ---it is the same as Matthew 7:21
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

So the only way out is Continual Repentance, and Acknowledgement like the air you breath, and OBEY over every thing you do...when and if you have heard HIS VOICE constantly repent and praise his NAME and Give NO PLACE to the devil...

Heath knew better than to raise money regarding this to get me to write or speak...and he did...and that is why he would not agree to a conference call...and now God's Wrath Abides upon HIM...unless he can turn around and OBEY JESUS CHRIST and quit playing his stupid schemes and games with Jesus Christ!

Mainly just to stop God's will and many besides Heath which know him through Sandra can't stop doing their wickedness and more...and they have to run to the House of God to deliver them...but they abstain and run the other their OWN DESTRUCTION

and Now Heath Takes it out...and He didn't take the money...and now he knows clearly even more so what he has to do...for Nathan T. is becoming in a small degree as Psalm 69 and Matthew 7:21-23 due to his disobedience to the Will of God and not leaving his wife...and now he is on his way because he put rc3 as his god and not JESUS CHRIST

HEATH IS captive to sin...but his own will is destroying him because he is scared to death to overcome and do the will of God...

Matt Leinart Knew what to do...every real man knows these things, and what God told him to do...and he refused and this is what happened to him as well, and God's indignation and wrath poured upon their lives due to their disobedience...and you can get out of this as long as you are still beathing and have NOT Blasphemed the Holy Ghost or became NO long as you are BREATHING Run to do HIS WILL or Hell like you would not believe...for your worse day in all levels and ways of this LIFE ON EARTH  is a paradise to your first few minutes in HELL and you SOUL WILL NOT lives forever ...((( WHERE ))) is up to YOUR DETERMINATION!!!


God asked and died for you by LOVE to prove His LOVE AND Change the world...your choices determine where you are headed...and it is by your OWN determination if you chose..John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.



NO, He did all that before, then...I know it is a tough thing to do but your has 2/3 as is the same...and been delivered...yes they will be wearing that look for it...the ones of the so as it is so you know soso

Heath is upset right now but God will deal with it...

But you told me not to not...but what are you doing now, and before
...that is HIS Hot Displeasure and feel

lol I know and knew and almost informed you then...when you got that...but God said not to, and it was Heath that wanted me to do see cause you know why...just like now as you see and know...Ai` are right he is contrary...but God will deal with it...just OBEY Jesus Christ, He is going to PRESS for the trying...that is all I know...JUST OBEY for Heavenly PROGRESSION...

yall know better wont until you repent of such of what you just did...then you will hear...again are being contrary...yes I do know about that...but regardless HIS WORD WILL NOT RETURN VOID...GO FORTH...Heath knows better...He knows how to get out...he chooses as so

he chooses it...there is nothing I can do...because of what he is doing right now...he goes to hell comes back and don't change but just plays another game with Jesus Christ...and He fixes it and he still acts like an where he went tonight because of his adamant disobedience and what he did to prevent you from calling today...
Im tired of it God fixes everything for him and he does everything against it and even ask God how to stop it...he just wants to do what God proved to you tonight and act like a compulsive idiot...ALLL THE TIME...HE GOT SO FURIOUS BECAUSE i REQUESTED A CONFERNCE CALL
...AND OTHERS ...he will do everything against the will of GOD...HE gloats to do it...nah He will keep doing this stuff this evil and it has to stop...
yes  I know many torment him to get him to fall by his own hand and what he told them as to is all by his own hand...because he is so waywardly and doubled minded...
everybody in his world is ready for him to go...because of what HE DID ALL ON HIS OWN...

I know and he is calling more of them now...because he just wants to keep this Carmen his boss got out by the Hand of the LORD...and is why it is like it is now...taking after Hollywood's tactics

it wont be...cause you would have but heath did what to you...see I know...Psalm 91 always from HIS FACE OBEY and it wlll be done...and TRUST is too big for me...ONLY GOD can HE HAS THE ANSWERS...OBEY

and Now Matt Leinart is trying to get a whole group going and He is a witness to many things and refuses to report it to the FBI...and Matt is cursing me to have CHF...because he was silent all these years...not his parents but he was about what happened to him at 7 8 & 9...and he don't want me to get any this was not God's will however he cursed me to blog regarding something of him...and it is not good in his life....NO God Allowed knws how to get out of it...I shall overcome all of them by the Blood of the Lamb!

all that is bold was what God  allowed the other no...his Lawyer already knows...

like Matt will threaten his Big Brother Ryan hack my blog and more..and Heath got wound up in trouble with Matt too deep due to constant threats...they are telling me to stop it but God says Nah, Go Forth...and God will deliver you to the FBI for that girls sake...because she refused...they know for there is a Sagaxity Witness and is reporting...

this stuff wont stop coming to me and i have to blog Gods will PROVE WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT...God BLESS and GRACE THIS IN JESUS CHRIST

DEE I tried to get it clear in the NOW and PRESENT...yes I had to do this I asked you and you denied it...God will PRove All things...Is Carmen still there?? no...I know

SO you are just now catching up and you see I have been talking to you as the way you have been acting...and no Heath wont let no one bring him...Wessam and Hagopian tried, then Mike and Heath starts acting crazy with Matt in his head...yes I know his mouth is all messed up...haaggen daz with vitamin D Milk with a huge straw the kind you can buy what he gets to eat and rinse with warm salt water...I know you quit reading for that purpose... its progressive not degressive degressive why you stopped reading...can you not perceive you and all know who messed up Heath was his xwife, mother, and dad...and he was taught to lie all his life...and I tell him not the time you read this he will almost faint due to TRUTH...and Matt is blogging about Snittemah, that is Walter Leven Snittemah God named named the beads 7 8 & 9...

Why do you think God made sure this was Written ~~~And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, IF WE FAINT NOT. - Galations 6:9~~~ When God presses you, it is all in all pure  TRUTH...a line of a double edge sword with the WAYS of His Majestic Winds...Pray Pray Pray without CEASING...for when Peter almost fainted walking on waters such as were the same of the wind Proving the edge is not evident but swift, and he cried Jesus Save me! Remember it was at night horrifying is not the word...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The latest ...of things which came into my mind...God Will prove what is and what is not...

A battle that Heath Scheid wants the Holy Ghost but due to what he has done and so forth, among getting the blue one out and suggesting it to them which should never had been done in those hands...due to what has been declared...Heath is choosing to be Matthew 7:21-23 (write in RED)
 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

so is JLC and SW being that way deliberately choosing to be as v23...all day they have partook of the things Against the WILL of GOD...they don't want to be a vessel which lives for eternity but for damnation...a whole chain of people she is leading to hell by her choice....and they are Jamie Lee Curtis and Sigourney Weaver the heads of God Be All The GLORY

A gift which Jesus Christ signed read and search it again...
lower right hand corner above...blow it Dee Webster...was the gift who knows Heath gain my grounds and she know and even her family said not to do it and IF THIS BE TRUE...and if NEED BE GOD WILL PROVE it...aLL mY WORK IS DEDICATED TO JESUS CHRIST...she knows this and yes with Lydia was a 11"x15" pen blue ink and she can do what she pleases in Honesty...not dishonesty with Heath Scheid...That is why she was so upset when I asked for a conference call with them and said I have shamed my family ...
they are on all I know...and it is like I have press forward and NOT IN THE PASS because IT WONT LEAVE ME...Heath used to copy and then paint over it...and say it was his...and now Dee joined the evil of them...and act oblivious...and Heath is the head of the massive Jester in the Rose...with this ridiculous grin on his face...and they have tried to copyright my work but every copyright is void because it is not of the original...and just look at it...NO I have a picture...

and Lydia even told me in writing The Rose is NOT true...see the POODLE overcame the poodle and is more of a sound mind and is BRILLIANT for HE is aware completely and a strong Witness against them...Heath succumbs to the Jester and takes all he can with is the reason why He shakes for the Devils believe and tremble...and the way he plays life and looks at life is the way of a jester...

Nah she was my teamlead and she was the contact I was led to to speak with regarding Heath, I sent him emails  and he reported them to the police...he has been running and avoiding me ever since...and to the point he wouldn't even to a conference call with all my previous co-workers and this is what I am Feeling but If God HAS to he will subpoena them in and put them on all the lie detectors...because of the harassment...No SHE IS SAYING HEATH SCHEID drew IT...
YES EVEN tHE PRINTING COMPANY WILL BE given a SUBPOENA the whole thing...there are many lawyers wanting this case all they have to do is call me...
you cant pay these off...they are in this thing and are on my side...why do you think they are like they are...they are Jesus Christ's Sons...THAT'S RIGHT!

I had contacted Lydia several times she was in on it...but when I gave it to Dee she didn't do the right thing and joined them IF THIS BE TRUE it will PROVE...MIKE and Wessam know all this and Carmen but Carmen is not with them anymore...and its a great thing...

everybody can see what you are doing to that lady Jamie Lee Curtis and Sigourney Weaver...and they don't the way God shows it to all that needs to know and the well...they say that the FBI will not do anything...they are taking a ladies jaw apart and her teeth...due to Sandra's false notes...and I am a witness against them, and it is such as Hollywood is and what they have become...
a whole group upon group in different places connected by the illegal device of which you know of...@ 515pm...then more about an hour ago.....

Ron Libby is a witness against it as well

~~~ Merry Christmas!!! ~~~~

Christmas a Gift from Jesus Christ!
None Other,
He is the God of the UNIVERSE there is none other which can do what He does as He does it
Many people think Well if the shepherds were out it was not cold when Christ was born...
THINK AGAIN for now it is warm over in Israel...
It was somewhere of the time of the end of the Gentile Year,
Yet Not the Judaic Year...but It is warm over there now...
Merry Christmas!!!

Yes Indeed...In Jesus Christ

Only God has the answers for this...I have a great understanding for I search for it...God's will be it is not...otherwise you would not have gotten it so when God brings it together and just remember all the readers of this and so forth...for it Is dedicated to Jesus Christ, nothing more...there is a reason...but so many are quick to judge by what they see? and is best to be and know the LIVING God and not one which consumes you if not money by evil deeds...Praise the LORD I saw the light I saw the Light...Jesus Christ I will forever praise and proclaim and NOT Be SILENT. Praise Him....

I choose Jesus Christ and NONE other than the ONE of 0-33 A.D.
John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

 It is LIFE!!!

John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

and HEED to HIS WILL!!!

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Psalm 144: 15 Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Indeed...Psalm 119:21-22...

21 Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments.
22 Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies.

There is a blessing in What God does...but God tells them to do something and then they get up and say that is absurd...and they go back to the same old stuff...then they wonder why they are not progressing...

But a Tenure of Tenney sees and God be with them those have honor...

Indeed...and I have done this...Psalm 119:62 ~ AT MIDNIGHT I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. ---Many times...and you will began to see like as what I am seeing if I am at Walmart or what I am doing now...{God takes care of that don't worry} ... be right back...

Its Bro. Woodward I am talking too don't you all of which is pondering such...don't worry he will get it when he is supposed to...yes you will...he does little bits here and there but it is coming...Well God will show and tell, in this glorious thing of which He has DONE! Yes, He will be there, but I don't know if he will talk about me...but he and the son of he will be there...nah Just ask that Jeff...

Yes Bro. McKee I do appreciate your prayers that have been most grateful in their were saved for thereafter...Indeed it is Power in great manifestations and a glorious and terrible, OH so terrible thing in what The Lord has DONE...Hence WHY I SING "Look What The LORD Has DONE"...Only terrible of the wicked of heart such as so of you have heard. Indeed. Yes there of the TTOB...they will not I...I want to among many other places...I just cant stand limits...

And the test will be given to both of you...nah for it is them to come forward...I will do as Psalm 91:11 not of the expectations...for there are limits there...he has to understand that there cant be man made limits...not that of the gates of a city but something as one will heed to the instructions and weigh his actions as the one with the tables of stone...for this has never been done before and it is so...JESUS CHRIST has the REINS...

Yes he fell due to fear, and putting it before Jesus Christ...all because of that one, and he feel because he didn't listen to Jeff and let him come and preach...and he fell...right...and then He sent me here...

WHO will DEFEND??? It will BREAK the society as it appears to be...high heels to flipflops and tennis shoes...Loafers to tennis shoes and working boots...Lee will be careful, maybe skittish, Peer pressures of the expected it tears down...

no its in many countries in which God expanded God Be all the Glory!...No the Lord will show to him who will defend...YOU who pray and desire the Glory of God to be manifested in your lives...and fast and pray will know when it manifest if you will defend and then the others will join for it seems to all sit back and wait on the leader but you are second and Jesus Christ is The such of the Tables of Stone.

It is something God did and He will prove just like Sandra Bullock never overcame what God painted her to be, she is died and is in Hell, so Heath is a wayward and doubled minded man and it will consume him to hell because He refuses to reach forth from the world he has always talked to the biggest God of All god's who is JESUS CHRIST ...He is tells this one and that one...going all the way around the but not through it...that is like a Baby trying and fighting to be born but wanting to come out of the mouth...He is that contrary, not wanting to go...But God's word will NOT RETURN Mike do the thing of secret and let no one know...otherwise it will consume you the double wayward man...he has to come out...otherwise you wouldn't have called that wretched thing or allowed Heath to do so...but he will be consumed by his double mindedness thinking he has to have both sides...for she does not want to be delivered from this and be happy as Carmen...she is and gloats of the live by the sword you die by the sword...

Such as this Lee can explain...for this and the way it has went is contrary to Man's ways...

No they have not detected it sir...but indeed He will PROVE all things as Jehovah Nissi!!!
That is right Bro, Woodward and Bro. McKee you see this is what I am, An ABOMINATION to the Wicked...the Bible Says that...and Praise God I am Hated for HIS NAMES sake...for I am in this world but not apart of this world...and I had to overcome the Dolphin and many other things...and the Swordfish...that one gloats and devours and loves the kill, and she did it to this guy Dean, and others and tried to do it with me...Yet she used to be good, and choose the good, but she went with Matt and would not stand and even tried to plot against me so greatly my life was in danger and lo my mother had a bad nightmare and it was Nought...because the Lord showed my mother...the end result...I went to heave but they were pained greatly and it is better now...This is crazy...but if you Seek His Face over everything and who to speak with regarding this and so forth...He will Guide you...

No it falls on her not HEATH for some reason...GOD WILL PROVE IT...she wont be there because she has joined Hollywood's evil remnant, and may the rest become independent True artist...not in a such a thing or a part of it...No Larry is not double minded but knows the ways of a doubled minded man...yeah he was a floor manager then ...exactly...and she was the admin...of heath and Carmen...and she loves the kill...and she is a backsliding she quit going she got I believe at the Church of the Nations...yes she knows better...and she will not forsake her ways...and I no business goes to heaven only the hearts so be careful how you treat what God puts in front of you...and I told her this...she was a Jehovah Witness before...

She heard his voice regarding this and was to get us together in a certain precise way and God showed her but she is contrary to God and HIS will and she knows of the Matthew 7:21...she knows...that is exactly like a grandma that hurt her grandson wants to be contrary and prevent the will of GOD in peoples lives and it is a death sentence...and she wants to be doubled minded with God and his people...NOT SO...she know better

so Exactly that is why it is as the Tables of see why and why David Bernard is silent when he is what you know...but Lee will run and choose to be disgraced maybe...

and if you are wondering why God is not revealing this to you better get your house in order then seek Him out...because it has to be in the True light you know...I pray one of these will call you for Lee had not returned your call to explain...indeed, the frustration is warranted and even I am about that...but God is perfect and there is a reason..and I pray one of these will call you which God revealed the matter...according to the revealing of the Holy Ghost watch the video you know of and he will call...cause he cant' until then...per the Lord's orders...just check it out...go Jesus Christ Go!

So All you that are on Jesus Christ Side and Want  HIM TO PROVE ALL THINGS...AGREE WITH ME in HIS WORD DECLAREs To PROVE ALL THINGS of THIS phenomenon~a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question:2 the object of a person's perception; what the senses or the mind notice.

Matthew 18:18-20
 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

That's Right . Bro. Woodward and Bro. McKee and Sis. Reynolds, Sis. Joyce, Bro. Barnette, Bro. Joel, Brol Luke B., and All who know of this is, Now Agree with Me that HE will manifest all to
ALL beyond a shadow of any spec of doubt...Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

No this is not easy but God will PROVE All THINGS in Honesty...and more prayer warriors...such as one of Jake...and plethora of many which are seeing ...God will Manifest and Bring us together...BE Ye Honest before the LORD and All of all...

Indeed she is a toad..not a swordfish ...The GREAT I AM will Confirm and PROVE ALL Things! GOD BLESS AND GRACE this IN Jesus Christ!  He will paint you as you are!

God Help Me Stand for righteousness and Prove All Things in Honesty as You Wish to Declare IT. Not my Way or Will  but Your's Lord.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 ...13-15 ...Breaking it DOWN...

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For if he that cometh preacheth ANOTHER  Jesus, WHOM WE HAVE NOT PREACHED, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

so anybody that does this adds to or takes away from the form of the KJV, and it is clear because other versions of bibles diminish the TRUTH and meaning...of the truth...and give damnation...and is accursed..

Bear with him what??? The curse of...

Galations 1:6-9 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Which is NOT another; but there be some that TROUBLE YOU, and would PERVERT the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET THEM BE ACCURSED.
As we said BEFORE, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.

NOTE: IT IS FROM SATAN and hell it will send you have to take the whole thing...if you AVOID these VERSES  John 3:3, 3:5, and 3:36 you are damned and are seeking the resurrection of damnation AS IT IS CLEAR by  John 5:29 ...

Dueteronomy 4:2 Ye shall NOT add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye DIMINISH OUGHT FORM IT,  that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

2 Corinthians 11:13 
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

All works of ones which avoid parts of the Gospel is a work of satan...or the resurrection of Jesus Christ and avoids the a false doctrine and another Jesus Christ which is of satan...

It cannot be contrary in one microscopic degree of Jesus Christ's Gospel which is the evidence of the Law and so forth...otherwise it is Not the SAME JESUS CHRIST...

Yes he Patient realized this and the Voice declared it to be a false doctrine... because it is CLEAR he was deceived...and the Patient knows this and many about him...comparing and proving it shows it...

No such as Ron L, Lee, and Jeff A and then we have someone by the expected perceived way of his own opinion, this is most trying to one to such as Raymond Woodward...for this is stated in the Bible and I await for HIM to elaborate due to him using ancient art in his Pieces can he perceive this in the Bible...but He just said that they have dumbed it down His Opinion of the is good...titled "New Birth" ...YEP....I learned of you by my Uncle...He will Try you, Nah one of them is to call Hunt in Leveland and they didn' will eventually be called upon...nah they will like your teachings more than you know...they are deep then they will prove them LIKE PAUL and DAVID always told His men PROVE HIS WORDS of which you hear do they Balance...NAH it is like the wind ONLY ONE controls all just keep yourself in repentance...No RCof3 is down, I repeat will all be rolled away it wont take long...but Hunt is waiting he knew it was coming...just invite Bro. Guzman and ask him to bring some ice! LOL....No Bro. Woodward, it was the timing off of that...literally I was listening and then YOU SAID IT ...and I was nah He know...

It is the Remnant ...that is left...and what will become
The Pentecostals of JESUS CHRIST

Friday, December 19, 2014

This Whole time it was Never a Game...and every time they think it is...

God will prove All the enemy scrambles...
Why Carmen is in a new place with the Holy Ghost about her...
She is smiling...and she learned really quick it was not a game and wised up...
Heath S. still played another game and another
Wesam and Mike H. played a game with a HogOpen...casting their pearls before swine
This is not a game...Dee W. it is not a game and you know it...God will prove all things...
It is in the Records is it not...and the reporter as well...don't forget...
Yes even the video with Sandra's voice on it from the phone...
This is NOT a GAME and you will not pollute my name and it prosper using my idea for evil...
I will not stand for it Neither will let God let me rest...and Carmen knows this now...
Yes the GRASS by the Air port was quite lip drawing but by the church it was not so much but the same such a barren land.
Calling Wesam collect no???
Dee telling that to my sister and did not God speak in my behalf...He wont let this rest for you all know I
Heath loosing his teeth instantly and not exceeding his biological father which is stated in the record of and about Matt and Sandra by BLR and Heath
Yet you chose Heath's path as well...when you knew better, and you act as though I am a stranger
I am not...neither are you...God will prove All things...due to you crowing about.
See it is NOT a can NOT perceive the TRUTH until you speak to me...for you WESAM listened to me too many times and so forth...
Yes you did not let me know so I could correct it...I see and then knew...she knew as well.
I'm not in the past but you vow to Jesus Christ to get Heath Here Wed. Night I believe it was...and you did Mike and bailed why?
Can you not perceive it is his anger focused to the thing he hates...
Wait 3 months to see how yours looks due to what you did to I for no reason at all when God told you He would put it on them if you persisted and you persisted
In 3 months and hence the following generations...etc...yes I heard Him...

I know you did...but why did you run??? like a scat?
The FILE??? so many have read it??? It is PROOF and NONE will touch it...why are so afraid to acknowledge it...I know you both thought I would make a good servant girl...I do because of his commandments...God is GREAT and TERRIBLE...Mike is sad...a matter of life or death...Mike you know it...oh excuse me THE FILES...everybody as humans say it will never go forth ...It will go forth can you not perceive it is still going forth and you are not...\

it is sad all of them worked with me about 3 years and then they chose this and went with Hollywood after they Literally Heard God's voice...and so forth...they knew better...there is no excuse for this...and God will prove all these things...I asked for a conference call for only 5 minutes of their time and they were beside God Be All the Glory...because they followed it but didn't do the right ethical thing...and now Wesam and all will have the reign of their own choices fall upon them...they all heard God's voice...all because they talked to this one and that one...but not I...and I even contacted one but God will prove all things!!! and That is why this must stay up if it not be true I will correct it but it will not leave me...God Bless them All in Jesus Christ...

Yeah I know Lydia called me an horrible thing then God called her something...Yes Mike It was a matter of life and death for you and you still have some time left...but you need the one who was blessed the most by my hand ...God NEVER TOLD HIM what to do...GOD asked him!!! Mike you know better...that is why you feel the way you do...among the others...wait 3 months lets see where everybody is at...he wont be here, and his bitter and anger will somehow reign on you as well...and her...I don't get why yall wouldn't do what you knew was right...and you just want me to write and write but not do what you were supposed to do...that is RIGHT GOD only asked him after HE MADE THE VOW...which he will let take him down by his OWN hands....see, and you will fall at yours as well you all...that is

This wont resolve in your lives until you talk to me face to face...none of you...yeah that is why Wesam will not go back to work...for what he text to his boss etc...bambam I'm a sham etc...
If Heath dies you will always be sad for ever...yes that is true because of what you saw and your responsibility and so forth and what you profess and so forth just by your being so adamant on not allowing the Truth and the will of you ALL are of very little KNOW BETTER...cah cah cah ...

I know that is not where she went but somewhere else...duh...but it is the same principal in know what it don't mess with people as such...

NO I must! you all didn't know me...

Then they seek council and none of them have been prayed up with the Holy Ghost...for satan comes as a ROARING LION...hence beware of the quickness he will approach you and you have nothing if you heed and not follow the will of God...
The Parable of the seeds the crows come and eat the seeds before they can take root...and if they heed to the Will of God they flock stop it...crows, wolves, and lions and more etc...

No my little brother knows what you all are doing together, he knew one as you all saw by the hand of Mike. in the ink thereof about you all which Mike also accidently sent out work ones to other ones and they are investigating and now Mike basically is like yall...hence why they are inquiring of him of what he don't want Heath to die because you all know why  consult Jesus Christ....

yes he is he is younger than I...and you all know that...I just drop the adjective of description...
he knows because spiritually he is in this form, but naturally he is my big brother...yeah Mike is now jobless...and Wesam is getting a spanking by his father because he disobey what he was literally told to do...see when I would blog to you it would help but now it don't because you disobey His Voice...and Lydia is in the same boat...because of disobedience...breaking it down Mr. Washington, one also who will prove it as well...they forgot about him as well and all the witnesses and your father in law will Prove it...God will PROVE all things...HENCE WHY HE HAD THEM CHART IT...see He is just waiting and God will give who is in line with Obedience to visit and God will show him the number just like he showed him the pastors of his church his personal personal cell# ..the same thing will happen again and He will call it...Mr. Washington NO not until then...I know Lee, and Jeff, and Ron L. don't want to call...but God will prove it...but you know you will

...that is right Dee you didn't tell the truth and now You know the Lord will prove all things Just like the Holy Ghost answered and declared to your parents last night and this night earlier things of their great ponders...I never shamed my family as you know better and you knew better ...nah you don't want Heath to die...I know he is a pill to deal with Mike knows that Wesam knows that, HogOpen knows that...Carmen knows that...see it was a matter of life and death for Mike as well...and now he lost his job due to his stupidity...only...and if it was not ryan leinart you Mike were messing with this and acting as though you didn't...even your dad told you to get Heath there...

Mike remember that time you saw me in the break room and then you ran back to Heath and I don't know why it was just a big deal but you told him I lost some it was big news...what was that about because that flash of a memory runs through my mind...yes the black skirt with like the print shear brown was very complementary and that is the same outfit I was wearing when Rick K. came to my house as you know the story from Matt and Lydia but NOT I...or Rick. but he knows who you are...don't have to obey just me writing does not help all of you in the way it used to...You better put some Black coffee on....I can smell it all the way here...because you didn't get him there...MIKE!!! that is all I could do when he reported me to cops which is in my favor in the end it just made it harder for Heath and all of yall not I...HE knew better and like Carmen and Sandra knew it would but a stigma in it...but he consulted with Carmen and Sandra...nah it was Heath tormenting me...Hence why God is sooo angry and doing everything wrong and he knew better...but Matt threatened him and it is all in the cops file yes those not those...
that's right and that is why he was so livid when I requested a conference call and just didn't continually email you to get you to respond it proves he is the one doing this and they know exactly what he has done...and they know Heath is the one or all of yall to get him there or get together for a conference call...I don't care how mad that thing gets!!! you are NOT going no where so why NOT??? Mike YOu know better...drink your coffee because you are about to do something even more stupid if you don't...I know she put it on ;-)  I would not be doing this If I did care if he gets mad...and it was always like a brother mutually hence why he had the guts to tell the truth of such as they are ....I mean it yall don't want him to die...this is nothing if that happens I mean all have no excuses...I don't know WHY ON EARTH HOGOPEN is in this thing!!!! I don't really know...but God didn't remove him is all I know...
MIKE YOUR OWN DAD said to do this!!! and he is reading this and wondering what on earth and why on earth you didn't do it...because you always are upfront with better get your bottom and get it going in the right direction because you don't have job as a result of your contrariness to the Will of the LORD...MOVE!!!

IT IS NOT FUNNY!!! I would be dead if it was not for Heath then all of yall!!! I mean IT it is NOT FUNNY MOVE IT!
 Yall knew I could write like this before I even began...that is RIGHT HOLLY they need to get moving on it...they all knew better...

my GOD!!!! I don't care he don't have swollen as you know why...I don't look the same either...MOVE IT!!! why are you still sitting there and not put ice in it and drank it all...get him there...
that is right Mr. Washington He lost his teeth one morning...
but yall are all wanting me to write again and you fancy it and DONT OBEY...and then you refuse to get him don't want him to die...I promise you all...You don't want him to it is because what he did with work emails is why you don't have a job...when you pulled this one you pulled that one and that accident and then they are putting and auditor on your system already as we speak...THIS IS NOT A know it....

I don't know what Hago did but God put Him in he isn't getting a spanking why??? I don't know...He did something so commendable God puts him in this thing...

well it is better than Hell and what your next few days will be for God will not let any of you are contrary to HIS WILL and there is NO REASON....MIKE you don't have a job...there you go in the wrong direction again...kiss your pay good-bye for reviewing what you went to a different auditor this time...
yeah that did what you always do but when you did what you just did he caught you...its over...and because you didn't do what you heard God do...they hear him because God chose them and went with Heath and helped keep him a live through this thing...God Blessed hear his voice is an high honor...that is why MIKE

its a blessing to be in this thing no where near a curse, ONLY A BLESSING...she is not in it like so...just the fact as of my little sis if you please...all she knows is that of what dee has told her...and she forwarded a text I sent her which you all saw...see...she is coming into it the Hand of God...see you text her but not I...just the other way...Holly don't...

Holly I in no wise planned this but Mike don't have a job due to what he did and being she didn't tell me you were texting each other...but I feel it...and is the reason you called Holly Thursday night ect and I spoke as her...why she is coming in...Heath and Mike what is wrong???  No It is through the Gift of the Holy Ghost as declared to the missionary...and I spoke to the Wesam's father in the same manner and God interpreted it through in his Language...
Heath was there and was eating Goat and he was nervous until they played around and held out and talked themselves out of going ...indeed I know but why are they soo scared...James 2 and why he keeps cah'ing like a crow is he is calling all them...

God was demonstrating to you what it is doing for when crows find a feast they call out to all the other crows to devour the subject before know the wisdom of the crow...yes that first night Heath was with Carmen doing it in that well...the first night you know better...Its the here and quit trying to bring it...but acknowledge it...crows eat dead or alive it don't matter, that's right they are mean...

Dee why wont you respond to her now??? due to all request...they want to run and hide

yes I know God called him and all a bunch of crows...and he wont go back to work either...for his crowing is why...not this...

SO YALL told my sister off...about me...and you are furious about losing you job as well...well I don't how or when but Im coming....Matt's lawyer will bring me to you he has all myinformaiton....and He knows everything about yall by JESUS CHRIST...every lawyer in the world if they be an atheist once they hear his voice BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT...they serve him...cause they have heard stories in the court that have never been told but is recorded by the court when hear its over...then you will have a bonafied lawyer...

I did my best to help Matt but he wouldn't do what was right, and now Heath, Mike, Wesam, Dee, and this other guy which is with them but no one really knows why Hagopian ...and Carmen told them but they wont listen...and they told my sister off about me and I have to blog it now...He is not the only lawyer there is a lawyer which will bring down the church who was paid off with extortion and God's angry abides upon them...because they wouldn't believe this site...he always despised that guy rc and the story tells why many did and couldn't figure it out...
No Lawyer, and to you that is a concern SHE Didn't say nothing to was Dee only, because she don't want to deal with it...and she is acting as though she is afraid of Heath and she is not...hence why when I asked her to gain my grounds I gave a gratitude piece to her...three is no reason for this I went to lunch with all except Carmen, and we went out...and Wesam made sure I had an awesome going away party I still have the Plaque with a photo with his Team Lead etc...and they signed was sooo awesome what they did...and I gave a piece to Wesam because he had the guts to ask...and he wished me well...and you know when I Left by Matt...

You see Dee and Wesam how that changed things on them...and I want to do you all another in INK or paint or whatever...I DONT CARE!!! I completely understand what has happened and can explain what yall have done and why back to you...because you don't have the Holy is impossible for you to comprehend but you are scared because you don't have it...

Dee for what you did and your parents will agree I will take you to court along with them all I have 2 lawyers in here direct and I have two  more lawyers that know everything you have done because of the linkage...I will have too if you don't do what Jesus Christ told you to do...because those two hear HIM and he shows them as they study ... same for Wesam and all that God directs me to ...and Your parents agree...due to your actions INDEED LYDIA as well with Matt too...
NOT Holly but you Dee you are giving me no choice...yeah RC's and Gct too...I will take them to court and take everything away from them and all who he paid off and made HIS house an house of extortion...and UPCI...yeah its something bigger than a class action...and God will speak and bring the Hollywood forth...yes he will, don't think I wont, for He is with me...and all you agree...the lawyers agree!!! without a will all start with Heath and Matt yeah all the way back to what you did...under the council which told you to call and talk to me to avoid harassment and you didn't...and you both will declare the truth then Dee, Then Lydia and so on...Because you Dee disagreed and then agreed and so forth...I'm NOT PLAYING!

Hollywood you are stupid...You that are a part of this hear his voice and you shut Him out and Thus He will bring you forth...everyone of them...just ask Heath...he showed him all  my enemies and friends and Heath is the biggest cause which got horribly messed up due to RC's mess, and bro. Guzman agrees in taking him to court because he was the first due to being treasurer...and Cole will testify against you all because it put him in an horrific position and scarred him for life...and more will testify against all ...because Sandra showed heath the dumbest thing and with RC cursing he partook of the accursed thing...and Sandra laughed so hard where is all know dead....
rc at the time was his first ever shepherd...and I will take every dime away form him and the church and will take the land of the church because I do all thing honest and the land is paid for and they Polluted Jesus Christ Name...therefore it is MINE!!! for I have not and it will serve a better purpose...David Bernard ahead of the will be there  as  well with RC is all recorded in sandras notes what Ron c.did...yes the World Aflame Church in Lubbock TX ...Matt and Heath  and all of Hollywood will reign their state of indignation on them and God's judgment will reign on them... the Pastor his  wife. and GCT...Will Ferrell call your lawyer because you know why

I will take ALL and eVERY grass NEEDLE for POLLUTING his NAME and I will tear down every guise in your lands I will destroy you RON!!! By the GRACE of JESUS CHRIST! I shall...

See God tells you  to take him there but you don't act when God quickens you...and you become and then it is gone...and your time is shortened and it gets shorter and shorter to take him there...servants of satan is who... you are hearing Bro. McKee!!! YOu know better! off of it all the way there...just like the others you are not going back to work until you do it...cause you want tokeep that thing and you know what I mean I just told is the only thing that will save it...
you actions determine all that from this time forward...but wordaflame is DOWN and caved in due to HIS LIES...yes that Bro. Rob McKee...Jeff and Lee and Ron you should pick up the phone and call him...HE TOLD the UPCI it would fall because they wouldn't put His Name on it...and it fell within the HOUR...

That is right Kindle it is down they had one wouldn't last without His Name!

He will send a minister and God will change it All ihave the contractor by the Name of Jesus Christ, and it will be done soon when it comes to the time...of new sand stone...It must he cursed everything in there, and God will redeem His land...He IS CHANGING it Altogether...It is better :) Then He will appoint one over it for the UPCI is fallen and is no more for the laws of its organization is of Man and they have polluted his word and GOD indignation rest upon the pollution of which they have allowed to seep in and so forth...NO YOU WILL NOT VOTE on the Pastor God will appoint HIM by which the minister is already appointed to the appointed due time...Yall shouldn't have took it...

NO! its HIS LAND...dedicated to HIM aforetime...He will redo it all and rebuild Ai`...Everything in and without there is NO spoil to take part of!!!  EVERYTHING and ALL of and within the METES and BOUNDS will be changed nothing will reflect what is there...for it is in the likeness of a hut...HENCE why he put the steeple in the WRONG PLACE!!!! a reflection of his wretched heart...NO I will NOT TELL YOU will have gatherings at another place...during that time...He will you HUNT. NO he has it...NO you don't know him but you know of HIM...Nah RC as 3 is NO Remedy 2 Chronicles 36:16

NO BQ will be rebuilt as well...Like Israel's can you not perceive what the Lord had DONE!???

****YES my sister thinks I'm getting myself in a world of trouble...but here you are it is one of the three that is to call and they want to make me intentionally as a liar of being they are running and being contrary they will NOT REST until it is done...for they all vowed when He tells them to call they would and again...they do this...David can't if Heath gets there where there is, and he has to do it by the Help of the Almighty God...I promise you YOU DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN because you All have spoke to him and stuff...and plus you have Lawyers which know your duty as what you proclaim ...and they will do what you know they do...He will just open his mouth and speak in the MIC before all and with all some way some how...there is where there is...Lee Ron Jeff you don't want this to happen ...because He told you all is your duty...Heath will speak for Himself and all He knows and then it will be so...your intentions are made known of why they didn't HUNT...because she is not yet in in...and that is NOT THE WAY TO GO...per Psalm 125...hold on she will see as well as she...God will Prove All Things...Heath will he has done it already and he will do it again and again until God says IT IS DONE. No Rachel and Cheryl and the fellows I will not because David would have already done something by now...he did he thought he I would die...see THINK dee lied to her...I know I should have known better...hence why you have been struggling so with your one will ever hurt them...yes I think that is why I have to go there too later and when the time Heath's there is there...I felt the call is when it unfolded  it will be after you ponder...yes but will be separate as you see...such will be there in another that is exactly what we will do...for there are two there's appointed of such no worries It is already said and done in Heaven as you perceive and know...that is Right Cheryl he of jb is coming there not there...and you both were right and she would not...see you have no idea how blessed you are...hi JL :) oops I mean GL :) ...YES Matthew 18:18-20
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. IN JESUS CHRIST HE WILL PROVE ALLLLLL His face and he will show you... yes you told her to write me as so and she would NOT...Cheryl Doctors know of this...because of John 10:4 -- no they always heed to satan and the deception and they KNOW BETTER...and they know what the Satanist do and they heed just like they were intentionally not wanting to call HUNT...being contrary to the WILL of God...for they forget HE is GOD!!! and Then God wakes me to let them know again and they were going to take Heath out of the country...if he didn't get out...and MIKE don't want to go get him because he is disobedient to Jesus Christ...and Mike is now being disobedient to Jesus Christ...and well maybe not. ((( due to the way of his thought, and now he is supposedly going ))) ..they know they will try to stop them all and they know it...You seek and Ask God what you can do??? ...tell my sister what you know...that is the best thing...God Bless and Grace this in Jesus Christ ...Very well it is NOT yet the time...ok...all is well. :)

+-+-+-+- Mike he will call you in to talk about it and explain about it and ask why did you take care of it and get him there??? It will go something like that...yes someone stole his car...and he is where you know how to find him...that way and the other way...he is out heard are that to him and I know you cant stand it...and you are livid cause he told you something else...and I know it stinks because you got to get that stuff again...sometimes it is them laughing within...not any of such but them...them of deep in the two mountains and above...Yes His HOST...God's will and you know why...Hey why you couldn't take him is because they cursed him as soon as he went out and Sandra and his mother and RC did this to him, in the chain of which you know, and Dee did because they don't want it to happen and so that team and the other team or groups did and that is why when you would do that it worked the first time...and then Lee and Ron and Jeff didn't call like they were told to...and because they refuse to get involved because they can't truly control this and they don't want to put their name in it but they were called to do Jesus Christ...that is what HAPPENED and I AM a witness against them all...REVELEATIONS 1:5-6
And from Jesus Christ, WHO IS A FAITHFUL WITNESS, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. SO upci WENT with HOLLYWOOD with RC and that is why Heath had such a hard time getting out and more...he didn't shield and do what Jesus Christ told him to do because all of his work friends told him to follow Sandra Bullock...and Heath keeps saying he wont like Sandra Bullock started this stupid thing and why she is in a BURNING HELL and have took many of HOLLYWOOD with her due to her request for so many would not stand up for and help her to be saved from her evil...and she knew this after...and God Granted the REEQUEST...because they all profess they are good and cool and do good...etc...not so...and they keep cursing Heath to look like Sandra and act like Sandra so he will do as she did...but Heath told her NOT TO DO IT...but David Bernard Tricked her with RC to do it...and they are the result of it...and that is why so many of HOLLYWOOD has fallen and more to come...because of the games they played with Jesus Christ...but Heath didn't cause her to fall...big mistake but Heath did his own mistakes listening to trash talkers...yes his insides are infected just like the patient was infected and was swollen and he cried out to God who is in UTAH...and God spoke and He drinks 4 oz of White Vinegar a day a keep him cleaned out it helps the digestive track PROVIDED you don't have diverticulitis. or the something like that...and HEATH Cant make money using this site for me to WRITE!!! He knows better it is NOT HEATH which gets me to write it is Jesus don't give HIM any money...GET HIM TO THE PLACEwhere he has got to go NOT MONEY...because Hollywood of who knew of Sandra Bullock will continue to fall until that is all fall by your own games your hands are you own nets...and Sandra knew this...and even called the News...about it.. ...NO this kind of infection causes the things in your small intestine to grow and food cant pass and you get if you don't have them fast and seek and pray and get your life in line with the Commandments and your body will naturally heal and if not it is for HIS GLORY...CORRECTION: so and this is what happened to the patient and God came upon him and spoke through him and said for them to get him the KJV ONLY and read it, and have him drink Pure white vinegar and it was hard...and he did...but they diagnosed him with CHF, because he was so swollen, and the voice corrected them, but the hospital was adamant it was CHF but was NOT it was an infection and he is in his twenties...this was about 5 months ago.....and PURE white vinegar cures it...and prevents it...AND IT IS RECORDED IN THE HOSPITAL...ETC. AND he is alive and well because HE OBEY!

why I HAVE TO DO IT LIKE THIS IT IS ON THE LINE OF THAT ONE...yes Mike knows about the Patient...Yes the Patient DOES NOT play GAMES he is a witness of the games being played by Heath...He knows a lot but I don't know how much he knows...but a lot, and enough for God will speak for him if you question him...INDEED, superbly...

?????WHy a PRIEST they know they don't control the situations about them, they are in control of themselves and that is what is important...and due to their solitude and seeking they find things out...and they don't play with Jesus Christ neither most of them would not run from him...hence things like Notre Dame would be so honored and respected because they respect and God has even blessed them so for they ones which live in the light they know...and God will manifest more light ...and the Priest can help and they service but there is more to the Kingdom of the HOLY GHOST of Acts 2 and God is showing them...for they seek God as well...their solitude causes them to seek out why things of such are about...and they respected...a Priest never controls a situation, and NEITHER DID Jesus Christ...see that is the beauty of such...JESUS let it be...and unfold HE DIDN"T TRy to Ron L. and Lee. and Jeff know why...the other will reveal later...St. Francis Made it but not is written in his own pen...and yall know...Priest and Nuns know about this stuff of games...

!!! THIS IS TO YOU !!! SPREAD the message as JESUS CHRIST said to...this is your Confrimaton...he don't have any of that now...but he promised Mike he would get there and he went ther...yes spread it to where you heard the voice which spoke in your language there!!! Yeah, you can go...take will be blessed and then go and spread it...Thanks and I will...

*****so you think it is a lieing spirit??? because you have not heard of the Money when God told David and all to call and they would David will admit to it or Rc will not admit to it...but Others have proof of his Accounts and so forth...ask and call bro. Guzman because He hates what he sees...

HHHHH - 5 of Hollywood keeps tormenting Heath, they learned this from Sandra Bullocks journal which Tom Hanks mailed out to all of Hollywood...and so they torment him due to what he did...and they wont let it go for they truly hate Jesus Christ!!!  see they play GAMES on people to the point you actually THINK heath got his car stolen...was it or not??? they do this so you appear crazy and stupid...and they sift out your mind because they are evil and they give good evil...and because the Place didn't call a priest to help Heath of the place because he is tangled in the web of Hollywood...because one of them tormenting Heath has contributed to this place and the owner does not want to get him a Priest...they just want to get their name on here...and God will prove all things...what is true and what is not ....what is a game but the ones of the games will prove and say we played a game with Jesus Christ because they know better...Will Ferrell knows this and they stop and then another starts....heath is NOT GETTING MONEY from them at all...because it has been offered to idols and stuff...I am a WITNESS AGAINST this IN and THROUGH Jesus Christ!!! but REALLY HEATH lost HIS TEETH...because he played a game with Jesus Christ...CARMEN got out of it...YOU OBEY...CALL the PRIEST and say His Servant OBEY...He will BE THERE...he wont eat limes because of  HOLLYWOOD cursed the limes...and I am a WITNESS against it and SO IS HEATH and all HE KNOWS TO do is go to these places because RON L. Lee, and Jeff wont call they run the other way because they want CONTROL of all this and HEATH knows why they wont call...and they don't want to get INVOLVED...but they love to be cozy and receive funds but they Hear God's voice literally above all and they run the other way due to the FALL of UPCI...and now because Heath knows they didn't CALL HUNT...and here we all go another way....then the owner of the place of business JESUS CHRIST will tear down due to He calls a priest for many but will not for him because he heard one of the 5 which know him...EAT THE LIMES LEMONS or Vinegar because your gums need it Heath Needs a priest because they are who they are without control because they are in control of HIM Ron L. and LEE, and Jeff or one of the team of ministers call him...and quit running...and USE SALT with the citrus and vinegar...because Hollywood wants your face to cave in like Sandra's did due to what she did to so many...and hers did...before her final time...HOLLYWOOD has a lot of NFL in with them playing this game as well...and so be it...

No head of the UPCI David Bernard took $20,000,000 from Sandra bullock it was the accursed thing!!! hE DID EVERYTHING AND ALL IN ALL WITH HER...THEN CURSED THE UPCI...AND IT BECAME THE ACCURSED THING BY HER CURSES...Word Aflame took something like $1,210,000, FROM SANDRA AND 210K FROM HEATH, then $100,000 FROM MATT LEINART BY A THREAT...of the accursed thing of money it started with Word Aflame he would try them...and they could not stand...God will NOT allow it!
God will show you where to go...and the TRUE hearts will WILL GO there...God's Wrath said he would for he called Matt Leinart for help and to curse he didn't call out to Jesus Christ due to being No Remedy! yes RC 3...which ron c. threatened Matt Leinart to take him to court if he didn't get his money...You ARE OVER...and all your mess with David Bernard...the church was tried and fell...GOD WILL PROVE ALL THINGS...I am not trouble God will prove all things...
yall took money from him to be silent about this and turned your PSALM 125:3-5
For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; LEST THE RIGHTEOUS PUT FORTH THEIR HANDS UNTO INIQUITY.
Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

~ II Corinthians 11 ~

 Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me.
For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles.
But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.
Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?
I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.
And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.
10 As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.
11 Wherefore? because I love you not? God knoweth.
12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
16 I say again, let no man think me a fool; if otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little.
17 That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly, in this confidence of boasting.
18 Seeing that many glory after the flesh, I will glory also.
19 For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.
20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.
21 I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly,) I am bold also.
22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.
23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft.
24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.
25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;
26 In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;
27 In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
28 Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.
29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is offended, and I burn not?
30 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.
31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.
32 In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:
33 And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Slander Many women know...and some men...

Hence the last battle...due to it Matt Leinart slanders me in his blog...what a fool!!! and He would not repent and left it up...THIS IS NOT A GAME!!! IT NEVER WAS!!!

Many women suffer from this...yet he Slandered God's Creation because the ones he knows he abhors to such a degree...he is full of hate of his life at the choices of his own hands...he threatens his family for it is on here before and it is going on again...

God's creation was sent to him and he slanders it and rips it and tares it apart...He will suffer for he it was sent in the name of purety and honesty...and Lo! He would NOT allow it!!! Even though his friends told him it was he would not allow it...

He was supposed to go to church today and he would not! God even gave him the number and HE Would NOT...

The thing is many women deal with this on a daily basis and he is reasons of the fall of his kind...who choose evil and gore and sickly things and caves peoples heads in when it stops...he preys on others...what you said was already said he just put in writing...Men do this even to their wives by pictures and stuff among others...and showing their shame which they are abusers of mankind if they do it to their wives they abuse themselves...One that cares does not, but if he complains or she their life is the result of disobediences of the degrees of the Book of LIFE...

Matt chooses the resurrection of damnation and then acts like how to get out of this...he thinks I destroyed his career, and the fact is he would curse me so that he would win...and I did no evil to him.  But he abhors the devices the girls brings to him which come and see him, he abhors the whores and whoremongering women which will do all and as many...the spirit of the whoremonger is on them...

Matt was told over and over to leave me alone I did him no harm but he just didn't like good...due to the things and his cowardly ways and shows as being trash...he is using all his sons money, and bashing his brother as well...he had to look for a reason to NOT and he disappointed so many by not being a man and checking it out...he laughs so people cant tell which way he is going and cant figure him out...he prays in bars and repents the goes back laughing at God and His calamity is coming...he was my elbow for real...and he wouldn't stop being a cursing thing to one time he Loved LIFE...and he would have his brother curse me so he would win the game...HOW STUPID is this GUY!!!  Look He kept loosing and kept saying it was me...How stupid He never learns...and the facts are before him and proves him as so...He teamed up with Sandra Bullock against me...and it is written in her journal...He hurt Heath my xboss BECAUSE HE TOLD HIM THE TRUTH!!!...

As you all know that know desk at work is and was of bright green my desk at home was of red things...and because Heath told him the TRUTH who is All OVER the Rose and messed up because of the fear of a major Quarterback playing on Heath...He ran for his life then Matt called him again and this time Heath told him what he wanted to hear...He was married he should have called me...but that is why Heath got so messed up, and it was also as we have all learned as to why he didn't Matt was an image of his father and mother...who were as of Ephraim...of Hosea!!!

There are 3 ministers who bare witness of the Lee, who knew Matt as a priest...and Ron L. and Jeff A. they will prove if not JESUS CHRIST will prove all THINGS, though they be present or not.

He will prove all things...they worry as to why God has done this for me and they see and hear...and wonder why it is clear...Psalm 19:14 which is the Great Commandment...

Matt Leinart was to go to the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ a small one...but he would NOT...WHAT A FOOL!!! HE IS WORSE THAN THE RICH MAN which went to the first hell...AT what he does now...and proves chaos and confusion and loves what he abhors and more...

The group of which you know you are and the one ran...your group is aware and now knows is because of Jesus Christ who is real, and not a guise as such used and He blessed you for it...and now He wants you to prove them...the one must be displayed as what is I the center of the earth...

Slandering by men is common...they are sick and consider the source, Then go and tell and  serve Jesus Christ! He will repay is you, a person...their opinion is worth nothing up against God's, it is true a scorner is an abomination to RC's etc...again Matt chose evil and gave him money...Matt Leinart is a TRASHY Scorner...but his SON and Ryan are not!!!

He knew better!!! He knew far better than to do what he did, what a slooooooowwww learner, but when you think on trashy wickedness so it is manifested as so.

God Bless and Grace you in Jesus Christ!

Will Ferrell as crazy as it is told him to call me...for I was not a trashy whore as he knew and knows...and then he would not but would tell his family and over 10k of peoples He was going to call me but then Changes his choosing evil after he talked to Heath Scheid...Im so glad it is PING'ed!!! Heath Good job boy...Heath didn't ask to get beat up...but Matt is stupid as a plastic bowl with grease on it...he is sick...and then he constantly torments me for his life and God tells him do to this and HE WOULD NOT!!! what an idiot to behold with all his promotion which came from God and all his Evil by his hand he has plagiarized my work...and God will PROVE ALL THINGS...

He was told to Leave me alone and He knew I was sensitive and would not do what is right!!! To God the Great and the Terrible Be All the GLORY!!!

Whatever you do he says DONT CALL HER or SEE her!!! Though God said to So GOD's Wrath abides upon HIM and all with HIM...Will Ferrell is wise about life for he studies what people laugh at...and it makes them genius, but he stands by Matt by the evils of his life...and wants to support the filthy thing...Matt grow up but you wont leave witchcraft alone.

To God be all the Glory...THAT's RIGHT this is a NIGHTMARE! God will prove ALL THINGS!!! Did He not declare me!!! Matt you are the worse thing that happened for you are silent about your crimes done to you...and so those crimes have consumed you...

Go on run from Jesus Christ and His Host...are you crazy!!! Heath is so messed up from all this and yet God has blessed him greatly...I have talked to this one and that one...even Lee, Ron L. and Jeff A. stay away...wanting it as they want to present it...Nah, it is His GLORY...OBEY, and you all know how to let the Holy Ghost speak...cause Jesus Christ is coming to get you...To God Be All The GLORY in Jesus Christ!

HEATH has suffered greatly...and Yes Heath would have but he couldn't get the support from Lee, Ron L. or Jeff A. instead he gets to know all of Hollywood due to Matt threats and Sandra Bullock's threats and what a sick way of stupid filthy Hollywood and the networks...they think it is a game...and they played a game with Jesus Christ and Matt Leinart's personal Lawyer if laughed when he said he was playing a game with Jesus Christ...He is a FOOL and he sprang up from a garbage can and reeks with a wretched smell...and falls constantly due to God's wrath abides upon him...for the good men around him told him to do what is right but no he is going to do the evil...yeah where is she matt??? where is she? ...

Jesus Christ kept literally telling him THIS IS NOT A GAME!!! Get it right and do it and I will save you but he is a fool of fools!!!
 But he don't want to say he Hears Jesus Christ...If you deny Him He will deny you...whatelse could I do I was running for my life I had to for I used to be quiet and basically considered and introvert...but He is ashamed of John 10:4 and Isaiah 52:12...and so God will shame him and remove all his favor and the glory and promotion he gave him...because he denies and shames Jesus Christ...unless he has a change of heart...Nah His lawyer told him I was not playing a game...and that this is no game!!!

Put Matt Leinart on a all sets of Lie detectors and then Jeremiah 33:3 and Colossians 2:3...he blows his son's money after polluting his mind with witchcraft etc...and curses him...what a loser of a piece of trash...Praise God it proves as so!!! I can tell it...No Jesus Christ even gave him the Number to call the specific church and he would not...NO not from the PHone book!!! It was given to Ryan...

Yeah where is she???  No His mother...was it her wishes to be done that silence??? no honor...what a disgrace yes that silence...where is she???

Heath so you know Sandra Bullock is dead...and you know it because she ceases to call you or Matt...but he is so messed up because he cant get his natural right because he resorts to what his mother and father was...She is dead!

No by not repenting and refusing to come up...

my family thinks I have lost my mind, no I have only Jesus Christ what is the Name and the ONLY Name that can save...He will prove all things...DID HE NOT at RUNWAY...and detested the DIET COKE flag hanging for they took the mark of the beast and hence diet drinks stink and taste horrible since then...and Heath shakes when he thinks of calling me...due to these things...

Jesus Christ will PROVE ALL THINGS>..

I need a court recorder to be present...because WHERE is she??? She was in the Hospital? Then went home but she is no longer home nor with anybody else there???  Where is She Matt??? I told you this is NOT a GAME, Im sick of you thinking I'm playing Games when you lost all games because you kept cursing me, but really it is because you deny Jesus Christ, and YOU KNEW BETTER...and you want a cop out instead of ownership...Yeah where is Sandra Bullock??? where is she??? Yeah, there is footage of what I was discussing an so forth on here and more...with me on file...

Yeah I know you all did, but did not Heath continually get threats from Matt Leinart if you call her I will hunt you down and kill you...on a constant basis...they can be pulled if not already by the Hand of the Lord and by His voice...Matt you will fall in your own Net, where IS SHE???

Yeah Jesus Christ is the GREAT I AM!!! Who parted the RED SEA, John 8:58  Before Abraham was I am...was he Not before MOSES...

Where is she Matt??? I loved you and cared for you in the best way I could and you chose evil upon evil and cursed me upon curses...wanting me to swell and so God honors and then I will declare TRUTH to His games...WHERE IS SHE, and HER????

Where is she??? Where is she???

why didn't you report her death?

So No more Matt Leinart...Praise God!!! He knows better...all of the NFL knows he knew better...God honors those who don't dishonor HIM...You KNEW BETTER...they all told you about that...Will Ferrell even knows you KNEW better...Paris Hilton Knows you knew better...Your family knows you knew better...This is NOT a GAME God Will prove ALL THINGS and as HIS WORD declares and so it is...coming to prove all these things...THAT IS RIGHT! RED.

Matthew 18:18-20
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Mike Holland and WesBamBam why do you work for the bank and hack other peoples computers when they get online through the bank? Out of fear he used to do it...but I contacted him because He knows all of Heath...and he is doing it...Wesbam so it is because he scorned my name so Jesus Christ scorned him which He is literally thankful for due to his wife...Carmen Bell a sad case indeed refuses and curses Heath to stay away knowing his weakness because she chooses hell...Heath is sick of it all...but Heath lost his job yesterday, and Carmen stays at his house who was his boss and so forth...well one of them...then something Matt taught cole and Heath went after this thing which appeared to be as Cole...which Matt taught him and it is a thing Hollywood does...which Matt is not shamed of his son...due to the way of the Witchcraft...See I obey walking this line is beyond this...but it is the truth...Heath will declare the truth but that is who you saw...for his anger and yes sorrow of sorrows...the Bible Speaks of this...they live in a LIES upon LIES then they see the truth and go back...a Great thing is Heath has been her many times not just with Sandra but many others by his mother and dad...which all the others have not...

All they have to do is serve Jesus Christ, Thanks Brenda for letting me know what you saw...JESUS CHRIST will PROVE ALL THINGS.

That is right Lee you are great in speaking out TRUTH...but your struggle in the wars of the mind is your greatest challenge...People He Swore to God he would only preach the TRUTH or let it NOT go forward due to the fear and horror of this type of Vow and how it weighs with the LORD  and He does...Now He needs to learn to apply all his knows in the way of thoughts...many preachers struggle in the same way...he is not alone...but he Is in the TRUTH that pours out...and many are furiously jealous of his ministry to the point if they see him or try to attain his ministry or out do...and they will scream or want to pull out their hair because the natural and off the platform there is an unbalance and they wonder what it is those hidden thoughts...Yet if He persist TRUTH is Coming forth to Conquer that of which he is seeking out as to HOW...for it is what Truth Does to anything with HIS GRACE and is why it is still up... God Bless and Grace you In Jesus Christ! Yes the Real one of 0 - 33 A.D. NONE other will He His TRUTH and GRACE as stated below...CAn you NOT PERCEIVE it is Exact

John 1:14
And the Word was made flesh, and DWELT among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) FULL of GRACE and TRUTH.

John 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ.
Colossians 1:6
Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day YE HEARD of it, and KNEW the GRACE of God in TRUTH:
2 John 1:3
GRACE be with YOU, MERCY, and PEACE, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
PAUL WROTE like so...BUT  PERCEIVE AND IT IS CLEAR...And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. ~ Matthew 28:18  ...see Lee...