Saturday, April 19, 2014

Due to the CALL 370-777 ~~~ To Help the SEARCH ~~~

~Final Myanmar Sometimes I have to wait now It. Is. Finished. because of The Name Jesus Christ~




 *18"x24" Pen, Crayon, Pencil, Gel, Marker, and Sharpie ~~~
This Photo does not do it justice, an Actual Print is needed to grasp all the details, it turned out very Asian...which indeed makes sense and it shows things being taking to the West which is India in pieces...and many many faces...the Actual piece took hours to finished but there are many faces and people...


~~~snaps upper left~~~

~~~Snap Lower Left~~~
~~~Snap Upper Right~~
~~~Snap Lower Right~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE  4/16/14 9:32 PM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is where the Plane is is in Myanmar...and more will show, I do it this way for a plethora of reasons...yes it is sad but It didn't land in the Indian Ocean...there is this large asp so to speak which makes me think of India on its way to India and so on...It shows in the 3rd snap

Inverted Snaps

-------------------------------------------3/24/14 1:44 PM----------------------------------------
~ Myanmar ~ update im not finished...



Im working on another in Conjunction with this one; whereas is indeed from the Bold Square of outlined...due to the drawing of the call...

I have more input in about 2 hours...okay a far later...Why it was manually stopped was because they had asked questions as if what to do if they dismantled the black box in class...what then?  then the instructor says something like like that is going to happen...but they study the blue prints and learn everything about the mechanics and more...and they reference something against as the happenings of 9/11 in the same manner of which is among them in if that were to happen this is what I would do...and bam...the evil plot is done...when it should be deemed top secret and more even from the pilots...sort of like lowjack...the owners don't even know where it is on the car...because people talk...see...that is what and how they knew to dismantle such things...but technology in greater places it is irrelevant to this concern...yes such is coming due to the request...thanks...

--------------------------------3/22/14 7:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time------------------------------------------
Due to the Request here are the Snaps...notation below them all...yes due to your request I will do all of it's area  in 'snaps' so it is all are most welcome, I will have them up 6 to 9 snaps...for it is 18"x24" in Sharpie and Fine Point Pentel Pen...working on it...after church...
Upper Left Corner
Upper Middle
Upper Right Corner
Lower Left Corner

Lower Middle
Lower Right Corner
There you Have it for it goes to Who Called for it...
...Now for the Inverted Snaps...Top Left Corner
Top Middle  
Top Right Corner 
...Lower Left Corner...
...Lower Middle...
...Lower Right Corner...
...There you are I hope this Helps this of course will lead to many things...God Bless and Grace it All in the Almighty Jesus Christ...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is the beginning of such of it as it were...370...the 7 is in the upper 3 by the 0 for...I have one more snap hence the beginning of the unpredestinated pen quick random fashion and later added the lines of longitude and latitude...with the Fine Pentel Pen...which is the piece I finished in the post in February called 'Recompense' ... but here is the Beginning of the Piece of 370-777 for the help...
See you can tell it is completely random...I prayed IN The Name of JESUS CHRIST for such as it states in ---Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.---before and proceeded...its' in complete liberty...but there is the zig zag line of talking...who I don't know...but there you go ...this is the only one I snapped due the way I meant to but it just was not meant to be...I study only at the God be All the Glory...yes the ONE of the Universe...Jesus Christ!...the Living ONE which hears your thoughts and low whispers...he will hear you...even in your minds...


....For as I was drawing I just stressed what I saw...and lo He has it just believe...ah some say it is my subconscious...You Can Decide...Because Jesus Christ is as
Heberews 13:7-9
Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 
----which is the Same as John 8:58, and 0-77 A.D. The Arthur of this book warned us to not be carried away with other versions of who He IS...for HE is the GREAT I AM...and Yes He is about the cry---
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- is the snap of the Pin-Point supposedly it makes sense due to the windows of the circles...and the illusion of the countries...etc...its a feeling that wont settle...prayer is to the God of the UNIVERSE...and Jesus Claims it...and has proven it...He is the best one to Ask...just ask Him in secret, he will reward thee with your answer openly...maybe not directly but you will know it is your answer...For He is the Arthur of the possible planted into our MINDS so He can answer what must needs be you that are afar...


Here is the snap of the people getting off the plain...and it was like it looks as water but now I see they had or they joined hands getting off in a train like line...and the walked through a Woods to the Door As ...X ...look at the line it looks like the slide down such as the emergency slide...

The hand on the branch of a tree or a slim tree is hard to see but not when it is small...a Believer No doubt...then there is also another X as a possible pin-point, then Z or is it is all about the perception...It is my Contribute to such as so...


People or person speaking or watching a satellite is where the line of as a voices speaking to the pin point...

...hence the door under the a type of roof of some sort...looks with this on it...X...and IT shows as I was listening to the News whence I felt it had landed beyond a shadow of a doubt...I was working in that in the happening is quite is indefinitely as art in the NOW...with honesty
Ok...Here is my input...but you decide
The two circles represent Binoculars as in waiting for it to land, in a place...which is a ponder still...I don't feel it is in the ocean not because of gut feeling just says no...Also I shall keep working on the due to the call...for in My world of view this is God's Business...and I'm praying for the families and the investigators of this Matter, for it is a real's not going forth...under the binoculars as it appears to me is a cart...I presume one sitting in the cockpit like there is correspondence...and also to the large sqare to the left it shows as though people getting off the plain with guiding lines to help guide your eye...YOU DECIDE...the zig zag line is as a voice calling someone on the plan looking at a satellite like which is not marked...then the upper red square is a hand on a tree limb I decide...and it could be a passenger...was my first thought from an exhausted walk to a place of a door within like a roof of some sort...the circles are as the windows of passengers looking out...then the bold square is where my eye is drawn the most it appears as a country...and to my eye India, Myanmar, and Thailand...something of the sort of if you ask me...i'm just saying for I drew this thing extremely fast and took NO THOUGHT...and Yes Jesus's Name is in Here 3 times...and as I was drawing it I was wondering and yes it landed...I feel it with my whole Heart...

...There you have it...
...For A clearer View I inverted them for you...

Laying on the Right Side
...yes inverted for the a more revealing view...
...Down side is UP...
...on the Left side so all N. E. W. S. view is to see...
To JESUS CHRIST be ALL THE GLORY.... it did as you feel and see...God Bless and GRACE This and ALL in the Investigation of THIS Matter Praise BE to JESUS CHRIST...The All KNOWING God...Seek it OUT Jeremiah 33:3...Seek and Ye shall find, knock and it shall be Open...Colossians 2:3 as well...He will lead and Guide...Again All His Grace be ABOUT you the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who Died for OUR Salvation...JESUS CHRIST!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Seatttle Repost due to the Call and with Inverts


There you go due to your call of such...this was why you did what you did...but it was NOT NEEDED...NO only Call on Jesus Christ nothing as you perceive but IT IS A Witness of what had already happened...