...Its a nursing mom...ummm...I didn't see that until this morning looking at the pics online->...3's everywhere linked to 2's then 5's...then hidden 9's...R's r very evident the satellite ....the massive mitten, a long censor...a large cat a evident winding road...the victims on the street, the deceased victims names, the cops helmets w/ AK47s....and no I have never been to Boston...it is on my List...God who is Jesus Christ Alpha And Omega says to pray for our enemies that is a God That loves and to a Obey the Laws of the Land as long as He directs...He tells u what not to take ....LET freedom Ring in Jesus Christ...He is the One That parted the Red Sea and Wrote the Ten Commandments..and Came To the Earth fulfilled all He said He would do...To Jesus Christ Be All the Glory and Grace be upon all...Psalm 24