It was really warranted to you after consulting with one of my quiet intercessors.
You would feel the same way...and would warrant far worse...
I'm not like that doll you dream about...or that caliber anymore...
God has Blessed me and that was NEVER God's plan...LISTEN TO GOD
I am sorry...but if you were me you would have done far more than just that...and that is the truth.
Son of Zebedee I'm praying you are drawn to the light...
This is where I will speak to you...Now the world will TELL you are NOT a Zebedee Son
But You are...I feel the Holy Ghost when I say it...
God Bless and Grace This in Jesus Name
You know you would have done far more...I realize that because things that I'm seeing which cause the responses you naturally give back...and I know you would have done far worse...than you already have done...but I wanted to know...I see through the blind lines...and I'm praying you see as well...
Again, God Bless and Grace This in Jesus Name...