Friday, September 12, 2014

Jesus Christ is NOT a Democracy...HIS WORDS as written in the KJV will STAND anywhere...Why I say this???


So if you take what you hear from God and you use democracy you cancel it out for you are putting all other, and it is only Opinions over Him which then Democracy becomes your form of rationalization and way of life...and it cancels out Jesus Christ in your life because If He deliberately tells you something He means it to be done for His word will NOT Return Void...Isaiah 55:11.  For the Disobedient is in hell and it is real...let nothing tell you it is not...And So if you take what you have heard from God and discuss with this one, and that one, you find yourselve doing everything but God's will in your life...then you began to avoid the will of God and even forget Him and He will turn your life, a family's life, City's life, State's Life and all the way up to the level of the entire country as a whole in a hell per Psalm 9...because you are being contrary to the Will of God and then like it says Satan will sift you as wheat...

Now Democracy far as the Country of the USA is concerned it important due to the way of a is not good because if he is an evil king evil reigns and no rights are the USA's case the PEOPLE employ their leaders and if they as a whole pay attention they are the boss of the one in charge when they are united...even people in small countries with the Name of Jesus Christ  can change the whole direction of a country...The word of God is the most aged words in all of history and even in its history repeats itself, showing the gift of knowledge given to man...and the results of human's choices then and now because they are all man's decision...if you do this the consequence is this, if you do that the consequence is that...which is positive and negative...the Book of LIFE as it is referred to is TRUE because it is about the choices and the result of our choices.
So a democracy in weighing to the WORD of God which is where the Constitution was birthed due to 2 Corinthians 3:17...Where Jesus Christ's words reign there is liberty to prosper...and America was birthed because the Christians were being tortured in other countries for serving Jesus Christ...the bigotry starts in the Gospels and then even with Peter in Acts 4 and with is a prophecy of the book which was written way before any other of the others and if they are contrary look at the fruit of the land...does it appear to be to the curses of the Dueter 28 and Lev 26...and more so Or do they line up with Exodus 20 or is such being revisited back to them to be over came because they turned away...and they are a result of Psalm 9...all answers is in the Bible and the way of prosperity and being progressive in life is obeying it...otherwise you are repeating a place in history in it...and it shows clearly...the result of their TYPE OF PROSPERITY....John 5:28~29...and Without Jesus Christ you can do nothing...

Jesus Christ is a King and So is a is clear...

Jesus Christ's Words will NOT return void no matter how much democracy comes of His Spoken words...

Does a REAL Shepherd after hearing God's voice go to the sheep and ask them what they think? Nah...nor does he ask them where to graze but He leads them ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES...the children of Israel didn't Tell Moses where to go or what to do NOR DID he consult with them but consulted with God ONLY...

So God tells Moses pick up the rod...Moses DONT run to the children of Israel and ASK should I pick up the rod? or what do you think I should do?  BUT WAIT THAT IS NOT ENOUGH HE THEN runs to Pharaoh and ask him what his thoughts were...and IF THIS WERE TO OCCUR all the while Moses is BEING DISOBEDIENT to the Lord because by the time he gets back to attempt to pick up the Rod with ALL Egypt and The Children of Israel watching...the rod is GONE, BECAUSE HE WAS AN UNWILLING VESSEL...

Now if you know God you know what would happen for His word does NOT return VOID?  But Moses' heart knew better and had seen this happen many times in his life among many...and was wise to this and was NOT a fool and DIDNT seek the "eyes of a divided crowd"...But you can see what He did in Exodus He is a good example which DID NOT SEEK EVERY KIND OF COUNCIL OR THOUGHTS for all were hot air compared to the Almighty GREAT I AM...

And SO...if this is occurring or if a King seeks council of a contrary council which is against GOD's Will and IS Clearly Against His word and clearly states this is that NOT of Good and the king heeds to the contrary council then indeed the king is disobeying GOD and HIS WORD...and it will show whose side he is on...for there are only two...Jesus Christ and the other...Because if the King seeks everybody's will and council and way  of thought he would never get anything done and they would constantly be going in circles...Same applies for a Shepherd as well...round and round all go in every direction...

There is planted a seed of chaos
As the waves of the middle of the ocean
one comes this way and another goes the other way
a constant swirling and no leader
for the are all controlled by what they know not
Hence the eyes of the crowd of the Entire world as a whole
Jesus Christ is NOT a Democracy He is a King, You either Obey or NOT for all was made for His Pleasure...Psalm 8 and Revelations 4:11...IF YOU really think about it...HE DIDN'T asked His disciples of what THEIR THOUGHTS WERE OF WHICH His Heavenly Father told Him to do...He didn't consult them ONE time...He told them what was and is going to be...He didn't ever say...My heavenly Father said this what do you think we should do?  That is indecisive and contrary and being disobedient to His Heavenly Father...and He kept the Righteous LAW in perfection...Obeyed and Provided all things Honest so clear to all...It was never a democracy but in perfect order of the commandments, and God's will...for without Jesus Christ you can do nothing...John 15:5 and All will SEE and Hear Jesus Christ according the resurrection of which you LIVE by...John 5:29, then v28...for it is a great knowledge to know...
 Revelations 4:11
 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created ALL things, and for THY PLEASURE they are and were created.
Psalm 8
 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;
The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
 See it is simple Jesus Christ lived as we and showed us how to be...hence He said Follow me He said you would be made Kings/Queens and Priests...Where the Eagles Flock to The KING OF grow in the Lord when you follow him...before He walked on the Water to Peter He prayed as a man to His Father, Jesus didn't consult his disciples which were the closest NOR HIS MOTHER...only His Father, and more just look closely at God's actions throughout the whole BIBLE which Jesus Christ was God manifested in the Flesh...John 1:1~2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  Sush!!! God's word Created the Heavens and the Earth such as Let there Genesis 1...hence THE SAME...
THE SAME was in the beginning with God.  JOHN 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before. Abraham. was, I Am.. THEN AGAIN IN 1:14 AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth