Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Great News I have had the Hallleeeluuujah Breakthrough

It works ...

That is my understanding of Solomon's fate bc had He been in the places as his dad seeing the ArchAngel's sword he was chosen before any strong trials and hardships befell him ... besides understanding and ruling peoples ... what did really have to face like his awesome dad to lack if experience and lack of love compared to his father's dedication wisdom yes to rule THE PEOPLE ...wisdom of God to rule his own heart and soul He would have saw it coming and if not in due time he would have...the passion to learn and know God as his dad lacked, but had  ... He would hv exceeded far more of Heart and gifts of knowledge needed for today would hv been granted...personally I honestly believe that due if he would have personally strived as in his OWN way as his dad did but he fell short due to lack of the type of passion his dad's zeal and striving will to defeat understand the name of the Lord is a grand thing...

HALLELUJAH for He the Same is The LIVING GOD!