in their minds such as be of that her ... sb thinks such as we are on the blind side...but the name was refrained...and more stuff there...yes that is what she thinks of us...and it clearly it is not...Psalm 33... and constantly does that stuff to people who believe in Jesus Christ...because we are on the blind side...its odd but it is there I didn't have that...Im blown as it came through him by her...and more...yeah indeed...
indeed that is why ... All of John 3 and more but it took awhile but im not...there is a hidden links through them all where they were speaking through watch and you will see again in anything of such...yes not on them...for those were not the big was her intention but God had other plans...a lot do it...John 10 seek to come but to steal, kill and to destroy...think about it ....sift you as wheat...etc. I was the hardest to get the info she used this one then that one...he wouldn't leave her alone...and there you have it...and she keeps asking him to do something...even in his state tells them they are meant to do that...
hey lp....get him something like protein shake and blender etc...he needs some of that high good super food stuff...due to THE NET that she laid for him...and lied to him to get information...
good lp you got proof and Im proving what she you have seen by his lp
...yeah folks she has sent him pics of scoping his lp which mr. lp has access too...What a Mighty God we Serve
...because he sent them from his phone to his email in case something like this happened...see she is a serial...thing...a whole group...not that one who had premonitions she found and prayed to Christ and was delivered ...
lp has it all...and plenty to prove...Thank You Jesus Christ...
Lp thanks for everything...OF thanks Hey get him something too...thanks
he is not picky...
that is why she insisted on that...because though you were so close you never what she really was...but he did...but you brushed it is what they became to overcome who overcame the World ... stupid is not the word...