Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Gound Zero Steal Beam Cross...Some Offended at the Universal GOD's Love???

This Blew my MIND!!! The Love of Jesus Christ the LIVING GOD!!!

Amazing there was no symbols of any other...but Yes the One of the Living God JESUS CHRIST!!!

I don't know why people get so offended by this...when their god don't show up in such a place
so they feel they have to fight for their opinion to be REAL to them...Why don't their faith just show up Like Jesus Christ does is OBVIOUS!!! Why there is NO Other God beside Him, Jesus Christ declares this in Isaiah 43, Deuteronomy 32:29...John 10:30...It is All Over History even, of Israel because He is the God of Israel!!! Is not JESUS CHRIST clearly the Messiah! Yes! Indeed!
So what if the illusion of the other god's didn't show up...because Honestly There is NO OTHER NAME that Can Save but JESUS CHRIST....a Beautiful Comfort to All YOU that believe and ALL THOSE that Will believe in ALL ETERNITY for EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND Every Tongue CONFESS JESUS CHRIST is LORD OF ALL...There is NONE other beside Him...HE IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE...such as it is on FOX News I just couldn't understand why they are offended of other ideas why their idea of a god didn't show up...Elijah would say it is because such is sleeping...But JESUS CHRIST Never Slumbers NOR Sleeps per Psalm 120... Indeed a Blessing and is the Same of Psalm 8 and On and ON...My God is REAL and He shows up ALL The TIME!

GOD's Will be DONE in JESUS CHRIST, The Living GOD...There is so much proof ALL Over the WORLD!

Such as believe in Nothing...Well how do you represent Nothing but the AIR, but if you believe only in the source of life as something as AIR...its a contradiction for He is the 'BREATH' of LIFE...but if you believe in Nothing as your mind is nothing showed up but life as your mind is...But something Did of the Living GOD...He does this For All the ones that  CHOOSE to know Him...He didn't do it for those that believe in Nothing...but NOW some of you will believe in JESUS Psalm just couldn't resist and Felt Him for the first time in your life...and Now one that saw and believed in NOTHING don't anymore...for You felt something...which proves there is Something and THAT SOMETHING is Jesus Christ...YEAH! He is answering you...woke me just for this so you would know...;-) ...

Yes Get His Word because you were never that and such knows that now...because they know His commandments of such go get a Thompson Chain Study Reference Bible...and Go to that church...just ask Him to show you...He will so you will know the exact one...Just seek it out Jeremiah is Kirkbride