You are absolutely this case he is and has become worse than an infidel because he vowed and didn't repent and TURN away from those things which is destroying his life...
It is as so because a man or a woman which deliberately disobeys and REFUSES to turn from the Thing GOD Abhors...has no part with God because Jesus Christ said follow me ...He provided for all his family and NEVER once forsook them...and neither did NOT forsake the world...but died so that who OBEY and BELIEVE and do NOT PREACH another gospel of HIM Shall be save...but he has shows the fruits of these scriptures because he wont even blog...just bash and gossip...don't worry she gets it too...
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 1 Timothy 5:8
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 2 Corinthians 6:15
Concord =1. agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord:
no D you were not in on it...but count it wise...Lydia was, and she could easily keep that from you and D...I would you are not evil this just scares the mess out of people...I do understand...DB was too nice...and so were you I know....but Lydia is a schemer, Heath isn't no it caught up with him, but his feeble mindedness is about gone...and This one see life in reality, She is right KEEP IT REAL...Concord =1. agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord:
There was complete concord among the delegates.
2. agreement between things; mutual fitness; harmony.
3. Grammar, agreement (def 6).
4. peace; amity.
5. a treaty; compact; covenant.
6. Music. a stable, harmonious combination of tones; a chord requiring no resolution.
See there is no concord...because if you ARE Jesus Christ Friend, Son, Servant, will do what He tells you...It is a sad thing...because he has no concord and keeps living in a stagnated water state if you please, but he is sinking....She is awesome, she sees truth,
Lydia who was his admin for years did the same thing, but she as well has no concord...See Paul was extremely intelligent in Life and the LAW of GOD....many have become this because they get scared and start to bash instead of obeying the Lord...for the wicked is as the Hyenas on Lion King scared to death of Simba's Dad...Mufasa....that is what the wicked act like...they like to trash life and make It horrible....
An individual which has does so has no Lydia is and was never level headed just is playing the game of malice or mischief to get things done...and she had the biggest part of making this turn around but she was with them...and it crashed because of her intentions was to set me up due to her malice and mischief...otherwise it would have went through...
I hear because I asked God next time you came to let me know...because I have been subdued and he laughs and so many people talk to him or they did matt and they would not talk to me...because they lowered themselves to see...Lydia was already plotting with Heath in 2010, then Matt and now I see why she offered what she did...and things turned because they wanted me see...she has been a part of a lot of things down in the grind of life...which I see never left her as is due to your disobedience and mischief and malice is why...there is no shame in you otherwise you would not have deliberately asked WHY am I doing this??? Showing your truth...
See there is no concord...because if you ARE Jesus Christ Friend, Son, Servant, will do what He tells you...It is a sad thing...because he has no concord and keeps living in a stagnated water state if you please, but he is sinking....She is awesome, she sees truth,
Lydia who was his admin for years did the same thing, but she as well has no concord...See Paul was extremely intelligent in Life and the LAW of GOD....many have become this because they get scared and start to bash instead of obeying the Lord...for the wicked is as the Hyenas on Lion King scared to death of Simba's Dad...Mufasa....that is what the wicked act like...they like to trash life and make It horrible....
An individual which has does so has no Lydia is and was never level headed just is playing the game of malice or mischief to get things done...and she had the biggest part of making this turn around but she was with them...and it crashed because of her intentions was to set me up due to her malice and mischief...otherwise it would have went through...
I hear because I asked God next time you came to let me know...because I have been subdued and he laughs and so many people talk to him or they did matt and they would not talk to me...because they lowered themselves to see...Lydia was already plotting with Heath in 2010, then Matt and now I see why she offered what she did...and things turned because they wanted me see...she has been a part of a lot of things down in the grind of life...which I see never left her as is due to your disobedience and mischief and malice is why...there is no shame in you otherwise you would not have deliberately asked WHY am I doing this??? Showing your truth...
Yeah this IS happening...Keep it real...NO reality not schemes and games...
you are right its not that big of a deal...but Lydia made it and so did Matt; nevertheless, that is the past and is over...this is the reality now...because it is no longer a secret because God had them to blog about it all...see yes I know that is over....that has been defeated due to me branding questions in my mind like a Blazing Fire...and drove to blog as a result of the fear I was feeling...yes there is still you can see...
They have to be separated at all times...all 3 of them....Matt, Lydia, and Heath...then Lee and they wont blog about that for they were the victim and so they are condoning it due to Deuteronomy 22...they are now just as Guilty has Lee...because it is coming...too many died with what they went through: the difference was they were not orphans. However, being it has went to this length it will never happen which they conspired for a few years. believe it or not...yes I felt it...but I didn't know Heath was involved clearly until 8/26/13
Then I was blown away...and found out why...God shows him everything and declares me...and it is true and Heath knows this but he heeds to wickedness...and not to the VOW he promised...and NOW he KNOWS everything there is to know...and it is like he has chosen to be an infidel because he knows JESUS CHRIST is the Almighty God...and he don't want to expand his would but shrivel up and what his fruits is appears to show...because if he decides to turn it is like I blogged is like he has to tell all of Israel and all of Egypt before he picks up that rod...and some of the wicked have made him their god...he is nothing but a person put on this earth to choose the Resurrection of LIFE of Jesus Christ or the Resurrection of Damnation which is of Hell created as judgment by Jesus Christ for their sins...because Jesus Christ paid the ransom and THAT is ALL to ME and everything that is not is as nothing because it is not eternal...
I have to say this because it is a comical sense...
So Matt 'knows' things...yeah what does he know??? how to create a mess so big with all confusion and everything flipping back on him and all that is with him...yeah, matt knows things that will lead you to the death...for God provided an expert to him as a knight and he would not listen...and he knew everything...That one KNOWS Things not matt....he is even famous for his field...
I rest my case and case it proven as so....had intentions been correct Heath would have made a clear dive to the knight; however, due to his past such is foreign to the fact and trusts them not...for he met him after his skull was cracked...wicked show no remorse for all have been in agreement with it except me...I have true compassion for him...yall don't, to this day his bones still demands surgery because it didn't heal properly because he came to and someone took him home...but matt left him there to die...I will NOT be Silent of God's knight I see already knew this...he became petrified and still needs surgery on the right side of his face because his bones didn't heal blew matt's mind that he lived and he is still mad...NOW Jesus Christ wants Heath to overcome his fear...and says now go do everything Matt told him not to do...and his face is a petrifying GOD's request...because Jesus Christ wants him to TRUST him and NOT his fear...but to FEAR Jesus Christ and none other...especially stupid bullying matt....
Jesus Christ told Heath to do everything he promised the wicked his mother, xwife, sb, matt, Lydia, and more he wouldn't do...and in the presence of the Biggest God of all gods as he would pray to...He would always say yes I will do it...and he did every time...and he knew my God is JESUS CHRIST...and the Biggest God of all gods said I am, her GOD...for heath said I want to pray to the god of SX, and He said I AM...and heath smiled...THis is the craziest story but is the MOST AWESOME of MY GOD dealing with these matters...for He answered, and I love JESUS CHRIST more...the Biggest God of all gods...this came to him when he got old enough to realize who to call a young age I might add...It is hilarious isn't it...
...and so it goes Heath is still chatting with Matt, serving his fear due to seeing his blog, and bowing to his threats...I didn't even have to bring Heath down he brought himself down...after and only due to disobeying the Voice of the Biggest God of all gods...see??? a sad sad sad thing...because when I was telling matt to call me and God told him but many fought him as well, and he bowed to them...and the knight with the wise hunt knew if he couldn't do it...he was as stupid as he acted in this mans world...yet their silence condones what lee did with the fear of him being a witch/priest and is a thing of NOTHING...for even King David acknowledge Saul's truths be wise of this and blog of LEE's evil deeds he bestowed upon them...and they want me to do it...but they are brothers with the stupidity of feeding the spirit of Moab due to Lee's mess of whom they know his real Heath and Matt is now condoning MOAB...what an abhorring thing...they are acting like brothers not buddies for they split when caves in their head...instead they are acting like brothers with the spirit of MOAB about them...not that brothers...
so there goes Matt needing to shut up right now...but he never learns the value of weighing the consequence of his actions...he acts like a wild angry bitter dog...ranting and raving...his leaders saw this and when he would do his outburst they would have to pull him in...No HE IS NO WHERE NEAR A MAVERICK...a 'Maverick' can cash those checks because when he gets in hot seat HE CAN BACK IT UP...not matt, nah he gets charred every single time...see he will again blog about this...avoiding the issue of LEE...see he knows how to keep his mouth shut...this they and I he is willingly is being image consultant would be great if they believed in Christ for his sake only, but he wouldn't listen to them...and he would fire them...see I know you... YES HE KNOWS HOW TO KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT About LEE and many other things...Matt, are getting dumber and I see you have strings on your hands and mouth and being a puppet to LEE...not God. Heath isn't...but yes folks he knows how to keep his mouth shut...his hands are smaller than his mouth if you who know him know the awkward talent they used to have, and now they tiny, and his mouth is bigger than what he stepped on...there you go being dumb again, BLOG as you used to sort of yell at me, and act to the hilt to make sure I would do blogging or send you another letter...BLOG about LEE...all I can say due to ignorant stupidity and foolish hope is you are not too old...BLOG ABOUT LEE...are you going to stop that nonsense and blog about LEE or are you going to get CHARRED yet again...
nah I test the waters to see if I could hear them, and the response was real and kept growing....and I did it when I called him a name of which he hates...Matt post the Green pen work with the red ribbon...which shows LEE...and the ART of it expresses it clearly...and LEE had me particularly do something to is shows and tells it all...Im telling Matt no don't do this...and He thinks it is something else...and I'm telling Lee not to do this...Matt, are you really throwing up now...yet again...he did the night I was appointed to speak to Visa for the time is good due to the call and IT IS A MUST NEED...please who read this report to your leader in your groups...among you all...oh my goodness someone bought the print...indeed they are all the more well off
...for honestly in the art world this is the biggest and most glorious thing to prove to such minds of the wondering intellectual minds as is expressed in music theory for it is the same...due to the mysteriousness of it compels you NOT to worship for the mind seeks and is tormented with confusion...due to your ponder it is because you seek their minds...not so seek the author of this part of the mind, because God created it ...He is the artist of all Artist...but everything He does comes to LIFE...see...I feel you clarity is rolling you to an higher dimension and a far more greater answer to your ponders and secon ways ...
.but this now the mystery with the creator bring clarity of the story of which it beholds...nah I drew that peace at was a doodle...more will come...8.5"*14" it was....but the print is far better will see why...but Lee thought that was the only one out there...HA HA LEE your tricks are you own net have come and flipped on you LEE......and behold you have it all MATT of that piece, but I still have the RIGHTS by GOD and more I have proof of is so...tell the story of it...and when Heath sees it posted he will tell his story of it...and time I will tell you why LEE literally panicked when he saw it...colors are true and LEE howls due to the collector above wants the print you had made and I do you read and hear Faith I speak my works are clear...and the collector, don't know who you are...but has to have a print...he will find you...but he has to have his own for him...and that is a must...but I must meet them wont plan nor will you know it...because you fight BLOG IT...then Heath you post it on your blog and blog it...but pray first Heath...and ask because you want it get it ponder on this for a while....
First of all I want to Thank Jesus Christ...the ever living God of ALL gods, and Praise His Name not in shame nor just to see what I would get...His Gospel is LIFE and there is nothing in this life that brings it about but Jesus Christ...all living things know this...and I am writing due to the posted scripture of The Infidel...which gloats in the fact of hiding his talent or pound so it can be given to another due to his shame of the words of life...he wants to be one of these people who God gives a revelation and make money out of it...but he don't have that choice because of his choices...and he is or was to tell the world about Hell of Judgment in righteousness of the penance Owed to ones choices here on the earth due to their unrepentant heart...but heath don't want to...and therefore I don't condone anything he does...because he gets well and goes back from God every time...and makes his life a misery something his mother taught him, never take ownership of your mistakes put them on someone else...all kinds of mess...punish yourself, but God abhors that if it condones dishonesty and an unchanging is stupid to resort to such a life purposely just because you are ashamed of Jesus Christ and so will Jesus Christ be ashamed of you among His Host and the darkness is comprehended and put out by HIS LIGHT...THANK GOD, I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH, to condone this thing of an infidel...which has no concord with God or life...this is an infidel and his darkness of his choices will be put out...he will never make money ever again...he just wants to start a whole line of infidel wickedness and resorts to this one saying we will make money...promises and vows that are empty which he gave The Biggest GOD of ALL gods: therefore, all false hopes given by the world and those who fought against God are empty you gave him, there is none for you but for you to REPENT for the KINGDOM of GOD is at Hand; otherwise chose to all the upci did...empty empty empty there is no are one repeat scratched cd all over it...and you refuse to jump off INTO more Heath, God said you will live and drive a clunker...because of this and they will leave you be...for your disobedience and you laughed and said never...I said if you don't leave them alone...they will take you there...and they all wanted you to die...and ONLY GOD did be it unto you if you repent to see what you would get it is still no more....ONLY REPENT to change YOUR LIFE...and let all wickedness die for it is death and when lust is fully conceived it bringeth for death...
yes collector, just talk to anybody you know in Hollywood, and they will tell you who THIS MATT IS...but you know I am the ARTIST...which is the thing you abhor, and when you get his blog many others abhor what he did...and still do...but Thanks be to GOD he is in this state due to the net which he hoped and cast upon me because he would not as well doe the right thing, give him half of what he ask for...and go lower never he will sell the more he fusses the less you give and don't let him go until then...because that is what he did to others he wouldn't let them go...until they reached a certain mark...but this time you call that mark...Heath and matt did it
only the wicked think so...but do you pay a criminal a large amount of money to glorify his wrong for raping innocent type of people...mentally, physically, or financially...
Heath's Doctor from Arizona state hospital don't agree with this...yet if he really wanted to solve this issue common sense says for him to check it out...and even he could have called me...but now you can...because he is an infidel and has nothing of those things for all has been taken away...even those which follow heath are the same as infidels such as the falling part of UPCI...yes you want to solve this call me...the social worker agrees and their services in all ethics says to call me avoiding this is stupid and is NOT in a progressing state, but is DEGRESSING in study and medically speaking...they are all infidels which follow heath...for they have no concord with God...and they use him...but heath is aware of this and knows how to rid the garbage that clogs his yes his doctor is from the Arizona state hospital...NO UPCI has not a GOD, for those that chose to follow HEATH ---and encourage him to fall and denounce Jesus Christ, I know some that do it on their platform in song...forever gone are they and they have not a GOD who will deliver them---...because you knew better way before this began and took part of the accursed thing...your repentance is vain and empty so is your salvation empty...and so is heath if he don't forsake you all...
they curse me so they know when I buy something...when they see something like this they say Ok This is good...but I hear Ok this is trick me...they only tricked themselves...what fools...and NONE of you will be in this Doctors orders, he knows me, and Hates yall...UPCI mainly, for Hollywood, the fl guy and many more didn't know better AS A WHOLE AFTER A WHILE THEY DID...A FEW FELL BUT THE WISE STOPPED, AGAIN IT FALLS ON UPCI but UPCI did...and they are hated all the more for their rebellion and wickedness...for they are worse than the Phairsees for they knew the strength of the Law but they knew the Grace of God and His Miraculous love and now is no more...the TRUE hearts do not live under UPCI...they have made themselves separate and are waiting on the LORD...
Just say Heath of Sagaxity and all the NURSES there know of this site as well, it is good...BUT they HATE and I Mean HATE and ABHOR the UPCI
HEY BO just email both of them...or me...because I know what she did just be honest about it...for that is the only way you can...because she did what she did...