Thursday, October 23, 2014

To JESUS CHRIST Be All the Glory...I EnJOY to; He has done so much for ME!

Things I couldn't even fathom, or begin to understand...But He did it!

Yes! He taught me how to KEEP it real, and know this in my mind is real...and is coming, which blows my mind in all I have seen and then a confirmation will come...and more to prove it...though the wicked do their best not to let me they die...due to HIS GLORY and Righteousness...HENCE why I kept saying  Ohhh DO YOU KNOW HIM???

ON AND ON it went, and I answered many and now many are no my world and when it was revealed what they do...Running to Jesus Christ I went for it was too big for me, and LO! It got bigger...and so did HE, I just had NO I D E A...He is Massive of the Massive...and the Micronano of the Micronano...Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING and It is NOT HIS WILL THAT ANY SHOULD perish but that ALL Come to repentance for He is GOD...He made HIS PERFECT Judgment and HELL to reward them which don't repent...It is Righteous Judgment...Jesus Christ, He is A God, and it is best to LOVE and Obey and FEAR for HE is MOST GREAT of the Great and MOST TERRIBLE of the Terrible...King David knew this in his writing and proves his fear by his heart and quickness and openness to repent or ELSE...Jesus Christ is Just and The Very Haughty ONE...and HE Is the Maverick of the Mavericks...not with back up He Is the BACK UP...Indeed the Name of HIM can SAVE YOU from this wicked old any of you really have clue how old this thing called the world really is...How much of Man's Knowledge and Study is accurate? For He is the ACCURATE of the Accurate...and the TRUE Funny of the TRUEST FUNNY ever...The Cool of the Cool, The SLICK of the SLICK...and you never see it coming...there is always joy and mind blowing marvel almost everyday...Indeed, Getting His Precious Gift the Holy Ghost in Jesus Christ is the just the beginning then you seek out HIS ways and transform to them...for the perfect still fight and strive...but getting back up is much better with Him...Seek Him OUT He will be found if you do...with your whole heart.

Disobedience brings on Destruction and the END is near...He is the Destruction of the Destruction...and the wicked Never see it, but I do as Abraham does and the more I press Jesus Christ the MORE the HIGH presses me...because they LOVE EVIL more than LIFE and LIGHT...and Hate JESUS CHRIST. WHO is Coming BACK to get HIS CHOSEN and LEAVES all the OTHERS in UTTER CHAOS...a nightmare like they have never gets worse tragedy upon tragedy and their heart grows harder and harder...and they seek to die but they ONLY GO to HELL...and the wicked have dreams of this and they wake up and they are not there and they tell themselves it is NOT REAL...yet all who say this, die in this life and ENTER THE DOOR OF HELL of NO return...just BECAUSE they think they can get away with EVIL because HE IS A LOVING GOD...not so...for it Sodom and Gomorrah's day's judgment will be less than your sentence...So all that Choose JESUS CHRIST keep your House READY for Neither do the Angels know in Heaven the time JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK...

Would you believe I tried to use Visa and I couldn't for it was shutting down...I ran 3 times...and then it went through...why was it shutting down??? they know why, no it is not the system updating or system is something else due to their leader within selling out their confidential places and secrets to their machines...Praise the Lamb of God JESUS CHRIST the Everlasting God!  He forewarned them...and still they seek stupidy and more and think as the Prince of Tyre...per Ezekiel 28...

Yes I follow Abraham in seeking out the ones who might be saved, from being LEFT BEHIND...and that MOVIE is NOT a TRUE Doctrine...READ the BIBLE in Daniel, Persia is Iran, and Revelaitons, and Matthew 24~26