Thursday, October 16, 2014

So everybody wants to forfiet God's words...and make that happening in their lives VOID

See where this is going...
Matt at his Beach house is mad because of the family looking for her brother and his dad looking for his son...and they refuse to rest...because Jesus Christ will NOT LET THEM...

BECAUSE of Matt's disobedience...Now Matt has yet blasted me again, and wants all to come after me...when in fact I have only done the truth and He is full of rebellion again because of NO THREATS and...only because of the family looking for his son which was last seen at the BEACH HOUSE...

Jc listen to yourself, what you are saying...we don't like you SX because you have shown us the TRUTH...ONLY...and I stand for PURITY and HONESTY, judge me by my integrity...Psalm 7...God is of MY DEFENSE ...and whole chapter and more apply...satan only influences and when you read Matt's it is like many run with it...but after you heard the truth, you see better...JBMC that combination already know this due to Genesis 1:27 and Psalm 8:7 and Isaiah 14 satan has no power but what you give and worship in ALLLLL your actions...Hence Jesus Christ and Paul CHARGED people to serve and teach only the Gospel of PEACE of JESUS CHRIST which saves you from the flesh which is enmity against God, the flesh is enmity, but you have dominion over it through Jesus Christ...Yes I am blogging to you...anything you want to say to prove I hear you which Jesus Christ woke me up in this regards...because you have not been able to sleep...see?  so you said, "you pretty much have said everything because I hear it" ...and I just asked anything else and you said no shaking your head...

Matt paris will NEVER HAPPEN BY THE GRACE AND BLESSINGS OF JESUS CHRIST...I will not be as his son at the Beach House...Matt you are feeding your wrath...and honestly your family will NOT support you in this reasoning because you have dragged them down...and threatened them as well...they wont...they see now...what you are doing you are feeding the behavior of Evil not having dominion over it which as you know you do through Jesus Christ.

Heath, fault you head on and you were a bully to him out right, sb was not but you were and are no more...because Heath knows and sees you are feeding your wrath...

Matt's problems is the evil of which Lee exposed him too...but that don't give him a right to be as so...and now Matt you are getting beside yourself...THINK, why do you keep going into circle after circle regarding this...the same thing over and over and get many riled up...calm down...and think what you have done??? yes you are now...

yes that is how sb fell...yes it is that clear with me...what it meant is the reflection purity and honesty...not what Matt has declared and said with all his ravaging that one is wondering who Jc and this one is...yes that one...

So Matt your followers will cease now...because they see what God did for you and you are led only by INFLUENCE and a lie...they know it...and feel it...because they ONLY LOVE THE GOOD Matt...and you know it....the other will consume you if you don't overcome...its the truth...

NAHHH it is NOT The are saying in WRATH...NOT FACTS...Priest listen to you and see this is the thing with them...they write and lock down what they experience in their studies whether it is favorable or not...because they know they will not to change it for then the happening becomes they write incredibly they can progress in their knowledge of their seeking out the mystery of God...and it is the Almighty God...some are chosen for this purpose due to you...and God has declared as so...they even know what happened to you...they don't know lee but they know what happened and it is no excuse...and they are soooo quiet...I can't detect them...due to their discipline...Like I said and professed God is NOT an Organization He is listens to All SEEKING hearts...and Some are Cardinals as well...

The meaning for you was ravaged...because you followed the influence of the your research instead of checking out the real deal which has dominantly almost destroyed you...God can take care of it...or you can let your wrath and self will destroy you like sb...Nah many Rabbi's too...

So everybody I was woken up by Matt's rioting and reveling which is fruits of wrath and it is a seven deadly sin...address and correct and the good of you will make sure they get this in response to his post...

Lee see I told you I get it...and I see it...and I share it...your obsession of seeking out things...I only seek through God...and you must learnt patience and silence...and discipline...and in the mean time take care of the shadow of my voice in the way of the wicked for they are always paying and they blog a false LIE...anybody that sees can take care of them...God has removed His hand from their life because they refuse to Serve him...

That is right satan only has influence no power...and you have new rhythms because of Jesus Christ has blessed you as take care of the those shadowing voices which lead you astray...This is God's all that Seek HIM out as He seeks out the TRUE is called BEING Sought OUT...and the rhythms will not stop...because of Jesus Christ.

I know I am glad he woke yall up...too...and He will show you more as He directs of she had no clue...What God was doing...but He uses this thing bigger than are right Dominion if I don't take it I MUST repent of my GOD given rights but being we have dominion it is OUR Choice...given by God...I am at a better peace since the change...

Matt you are in big trouble because AGAIN you did something you were told NOT TO hated being called a menace but you ARE to society...See everybody he is a bully...a bully not just me but anybody that will not listen to him...zurk knew this...when this when he talked to him...He had to do the right thing and it is as well archived about you like the other...because you double minded cant stay focused in the right direction...because zurk knew you were going to hurt he assigned a team over all times...

yes to all He woke up and that is how It comes to me...a heaviness will like fall on me and I must take a short and I mean a short nap then it pours and I either have to respond as directed...

They did that because you were not nice to the ones who could have made is down yet explained this to you...Paris room is down I saw it day before is no more forever...
you are NOT going to do that are being tracked down and recorded every move is why...
you never had that now have you...but you do now...