Sunday, February 8, 2015

Behold a dream I just had...I was being spit upon with tabacco..

I lay there and this person started or thing more like ...stated spitting on me and all the sudden
I started kicking the fire out of this thing for this thing was saying Im as the ground...a devil no doubt...and so I kicked and kick coming up out fighting you going to imply and tell me I am the ground...find I will PUT YOU UNDER MY FEET like THE ground I walk Sir, it is the thing you are!

I thought and woke up laughing for that thing didn't have time to take a breath...he must have done it to me before and I warned and warned him to I stopped it once one for all...I just asked Jesus Christ you see this what you you do? or what kind I do? for I have been longsuffering in this manner and I am sick of it...No more Mercy!!! Down that thing goes into like the dust into the ground forever blown in the wind and remembered no more...NO MORE!

So whoever is messing with one of my sisters and he dips tobacco and spits on you in some form wait and kick and kick and don't stop...YOU IMPLY or CALL ME ground I WILL SHOW YOU and MAKE YOU GROUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST...however you strength is KICK in the MIND or in papers or in sometime literally brutally KICK and KICK...he wont have time to think if it was as so I saw for one of you ladies out there...for I know he has done worse, if I woke in a rage so pleasuring in kicking that thing off of you...yes that is what I would do!

Praise be to God John 10:4...well it was brown so I assume it was tobacco but as some other women are saying it is something else...Heed to HIS COMMANDMENTS and keep to them HE will Give His Angels Charge over thee and you just might out of NO WHERE do something like that...Nau! every kick in Jesus Christ! You honor Him stay repentant...God is sick of this stupid polluted men saying you have to submit to me...ONLY IF he follows Christ...not to His wickedness of the things contrary to the Law of GRACE ...that is the Old and the New...Yes It is in Leviticus.

yes I saw fat toad which is linked to lies and acts of a prophet of Baal due to the word of Revelations...and if that thing is fat that means they deliberately condone and act in the wrongs of the bible and literally teach them as nothing is wrong with them...and then I saw this other thing like a devil it was like a human form...more of a shadow of some type...get rid of that thing...if he is a toad he/she knows better if the other just keep rebuking the devil...but a toad over and act he/she knows better than to keep doing it...

Those things we see have a purpose but read His word and seek His understanding of those things, don't just through them off...

Hey J yes are right but you have to finish it such as then that with them bare...

see it is a form of defrauding your wife/husband...and it will come in the good timing of such if you pray as how to get out of something you don't know how...and you have to be honest with each other and some wives or husbands put the other into a cave or a prison...yet they can and they cannot lack of trust but usually it is the one which cuts off friends and such due to the dirty and defrauding tactics and keeps them distant from them...arise and praise God for the light He has just shown not afraid to confront and address and be inquisitive about his or her friends...destroy and make know their dishonesty because there is a reason and if you pray for it to be reveal or find someone to believe with you to prove all things in JESUS CHRIST Matthew 18:18-20...He will God abhors this types of defrauding and woe to them that are dishonest...He will.