Sunday, February 22, 2015

NO BODY wants to OBEY like that stupid Biology Botanist...

No body wants to obey...they constantly say cast your rod unto their opinions and their ways...HAVE I NOT??? DONE SO Cast my bread upon waters...and you judge me as how I do it...WHAT GALL YOU GIVE!!! I KNOW what you is illegal otherwise why don't you proclaim among them all! You False Prophet! You used His words as a Prophecy and GOD DECLARED YOU AS FALSE!

That stupid Botanist was given a gift and he killed it by his disobedience...and boy what a gift by his relentless stupid greed and fame, and bug died...because HE WOULD NOT GIVE GOD THE PRAISE OF THE GREAT gifted find...which told him the address and all...and NONE WOULD STAND UP AN OBEY and thus it died for the bug always praised GOD EVERYDAY of HIS LIFE...and now he is bitter in his own understandings for GOD WILL NOT DIRECT your path once you know it is HIM Acknowledge Him in ALL ways and HE WILL DIRECT YOUR is IN Proverbs...what a Fool of Science and the ones which ignore this What fools including the Medical Doctors among them which study His Creation and wound up killing it...

Also this brings to mind another false prophet which literally could not obey the Lord and they grouped together and heeded to man's will and literally declared their will over God's will and prophecy I would not find what I was looking for and the Botanist what a Fool he is saying Science and Man's will rules over God's...WHAT A FOOL!!!  Science and Technology never Rules over GOD when you think it does your life begins to die further by your own hands and diseased mind which by believing such diseases your soul...

All keep disobeying and saying okay I will go this route because of their disobedience...

Even Paris Hilton is a disgrace of her disobedience and Cole Leinart , I will treat him as a Man through Jesus Christ and the expectations as God Wills...He will blog as why Paris Hilton is as so,  and he is at Lakewood right now waiting for someone.  Matt Leinart threatened him over and over and then he dies and succumbs to the very acts with Paris Hilton at a place...God will prove ALL THINGS...nah her dad wants you to...and use the LINK not just a portion of my take the whole LINK always...YOU BETTER.