Friday, February 6, 2015

I didn't due to the demand of the because i was not told was no reflection on you...

of the celebration today...but it is appreciated...your anger and misunderstanding of life keeps you away...ask Him to prove what I is real and what is not of which you are too frustrated...but the 5 pies were awesome...get it???

see it is in minutes R85:12R and O21:28O know...they will Jesus Christ confirmed will get your request...because it was a must to give in the correct because what is not recorded or delayed in levels in and levels out here and there and back here and then is taken and taken again...since they hit P25kP and such keeps happening...S69.624S...God Bless and Grace your understanding and He will perfectly and expand you...nau just hold on and [91:11-3-32:08] it is good

z`t indeed see it is scares me...I have been like that...actually I cant remember when I wasn't...He quickens me...its ok...nau they loved but it presses but the mission is fulfilled by one thing and is multiplied and by exquisite happiness...i'll be back...;-) yes it is Acts 4:19 see Peter is very direct and to the point...Paul is poetic with his writings and challenging but now when you ask Him...See I like to take...and I have to put this separate for a request abroad but not will be on its own...though...they know :)

exactly...yeah it is clear they know...for a long time...they have...t with a performance as so SEeO of such..they are Psalms...and remember 8 as well...yeah rs got it and called you immediately and so did that one...and then THAT one...

yes it is...and you do great in the things you do and are amazing it is will work, getting them out of their pessimism is hard...I could tell you some unreal stories of true happenings which actually is called a testimony a true store...yes KJV will help have him read one chapter out loud a day particularly Jeremiah and Lamentations he can relate to that... dad struggled in oppression depression doubt suppression, weariness and along with the reality of always seeing the Bright side of things in what seemed to be a far distance...which it is something like that...I began to just read it outloud to myself while we would take long trips and his face expression would tell the whole story it was effecting him...and it helped break the chains of that type of darkness and He did...make it out of it...never lose hope or give are sensitive and blessed that is why...yes I do at times...nau Jeremiah's weeping is a reflection of God's heartache and remorse for Israel...God knows all Pain in all levels beyond levels...out and back in...such is like a day the morning is great but something hits you so hard you are saddened or angry in the feeling mode...why? it is not easy at all...but reading or listening to it on line or by ipad or iTunes etc is does it naturally...reading it out Loud and asking God to help my unbelief in any circumstance because of John 6:63