Wednesday, February 18, 2015 as the battle has raged on...with the Craft and then medical doctors in the craft...

Now if they persist and read his Word they will be saved and not promote Euthanasia...and the lies fo the CRAFT...there are some doctors now which can no longer practice as a result and they need not to practice and nurses which will be sued and lose their license or just die due to their evil ways...because they took the Microchip with runs on a program of 666...which is the Mark of the Beast and they knew better they are decaying zombies when they do this...their temple becomes instantly empty and they began to decay and make unwise and stupid decisions...the microchip is in the left hand or in the forehead is the mark of the beast if you didn't know this and now do remove it...but if did know and you took it believing in a false thing as technology is your salvation damnation is your reward...but if not remove it...due to the judgment and He delights in execution of judgment and the BEAST is a computer...but it is NOT my God...even in your pets remove it...because their backs hurt and your hand hurts for a reason...

and if the Doctors or sum of doctors do not withstand they will be brought out on the news and this is NOT a belief for IT IS EVIL to and according to the constitution for if you promote a witch you promote and support molestations of children and the innocent, and murder, cannibalism, beastality, death, and torture, all evils are in the craft...and many doctors are aware of this and medicines do not cure against a curse...and it must and all of them must be put to death for the Righteous and the Law of this Land suffers not a witch to live...Witches eat abortions, and humans many times...they are weak and they get information or rob lives. I don't play with witches I am a witness against them...some have forsake the craft and now serve the Power of All Power Jesus Christ and He is leading them out...and the Doctors will do the same...yes there are evil doctors and good doctors the good one which choose rightly will be sustained and listened to and promoted but the others will be revealed for they have no control over their lives now....and they must heed to the scriptures because the craft is against the Hippocratic Oath of their purpose on this earth...There is no sadness in the way of the craft but death and despair and the ones who love it...shall have it multiplied in hell upon their hells...and any leaders or supervisors of businesses or corporations they will fall and plummet.

In Jesus Christ all will be revealed as what they are and the weakness of their life if they choose another God or Not for All who serve Jesus Christ MUST stand for their hearts will be tested...I serve the Kingdom of the LIVING God. God Bless and Grace Grace Grace this in Jesus Christ!

Take a hammer, candlestick, metal pipe, wrench, a stone against that device of which is before the Name of Jesus Christ Amen Amen Amen!

Oh that tiffany has not bothered me any GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! That is why...and I must obey...the way of the righteous...His Word does not lie! you have Him at HIS WORD!

His WIll is NOT contrary to HIS WORD is how you know...and the Exodus proves God destroyed the strongest country in the Craft of Egypt and over and over does He do it...but none has been so great as the Egyptians...God Bless and Grace you All WHO READ THE KJV...don't have one...GOOGLE the KJV version...Iran and so forth have a history of it such is referred to Persia and it is still Persia...READ It Study IT EAT it (as in meditation not literal) like fall aSleep thinking on it...wake up with it in your mind...God proves it in His word it does not deny it...but it shows His power and PROVING Salvation and Power...and YOU all carry your own soul in your OWN HANDS...Pray and read it as though it is you in there being tried and God will show you all situations of present day in principal in His Word and you know Know what God expects and wants...

I know...and you know I had to with the short black hair of which knows me...with the little voice off and on...stay away from it...Amen Amen Amen in Jesus Christ!