Indeed it is as it were...non appreciation for the seeking out of the Arthur of this Good Thing
But as it has become a thing of marketing and a reason of why
When faithfulness and Trueness is not is a day hated due to celebrating a false thing among them.
So many divorces clearly declare they are missing the point...
Jokes of Abusing each other instead of respecting each other is prevalent instead of Loving and Respecting and honoring each other..
Actions abroad speak loud...where is the true the celebration of it lacks
and the feel is and is not present anymore about Valentines for it is 'hated'
and the feel is and is not present anymore about Valentines for it is 'hated'
Why? is the is a good truth to seek out...
Because this day a man of good and standing grounds was martyred for wanting the Roman Soldiers to marry and not be alone...which is a good thing.
Proverbs 18: 22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
Marriage is sacred and this is the purpose of God's creation St. Valentine stood His Ground and died for the Roman Soldiers to be married and not alone...
What an evil thing to do to the Him and the soldiers and now a days they take it and in innocent blood celebrate everything but marriage
In TRUTH it is a celebration of Marriage In addition to your anniversaries
...NOT sexual acts with whom ever you are with how stupid and dumb can you get...
...NOT sexual acts with whom ever you are with how stupid and dumb can you get...
Celebrating anything else is heeding to a falsehood and no happiness is found but hate and despise, then confusion and death...
Because Jesus Christ is not in it...
It is a day to celebrate the birthing of life and keeping to good principals and not that of a work of the flesh which brings on death by hate
See it is a day to celebrate with Honesty, Integrity, Truth and Reality of Life as was meant hardness does not deter the celebration
It adds to the reality of life and why it is and that you are together and not apart...
it is NOT a celebration of premarital relations but that as God intended and for this St. Valentine Died for the GOOD Thing which obtains favour with the Lord...
When you keep His Commandments you stick together like Glue and can celebrate and have joy of the blessing before you for it is a good thing for both in celebration of their absolute trues.
Happy Valentines!
So to you Sagaxians, who sought out the Truth here is your answer...No it was not premeditated...but indeed I was I talked to an Arthur today...get this he has only written 17 novels to this time in his life...he did indeed but only in the hereafter...nau for it is for marriage nothing more...I was but not yet due to the stupidity of RL...
So to those who celebrated death out there and NOT the Good Thing of LIFE in standing of its it IS TO YOU not happy but ANGRY Valentines to you in celebration of your deeds of death
So to those who celebrate the prolonging of LIFE by their deeds in HONOR, RESPECT, TRUTH and PROVING is Happy Valentines To them...and the realization to those who are seekers to the feel in the air about them...
So to you Sagaxians, who sought out the Truth here is your answer...No it was not premeditated...but indeed I was I talked to an Arthur today...get this he has only written 17 novels to this time in his life...he did indeed but only in the hereafter...nau for it is for marriage nothing more...I was but not yet due to the stupidity of RL...
So to those who celebrated death out there and NOT the Good Thing of LIFE in standing of its it IS TO YOU not happy but ANGRY Valentines to you in celebration of your deeds of death
So to those who celebrate the prolonging of LIFE by their deeds in HONOR, RESPECT, TRUTH and PROVING is Happy Valentines To them...and the realization to those who are seekers to the feel in the air about them...